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New York City October 10-16, 2011 www.mobilityshifts.


New Youth City Learning Network Mobile Learning Demonstrations

Wednesday, October 12, 8:00 p.m. Sheila C. Johnson Design Center Orientation Room, 2 West 13th Street, ground floor
This presentation will introduce existing projects of informal learning with location based mobile pedagogy systems with founding network members including museums, libraries, public schools, after school programs, universities and city cultural institutions. Building upon the examples and themes of the presentation, presenters will conduct a brief design charrette of one of the demonstrated technologies followed by a hands-on tutorial of the selected platform. Possible platforms include DIY sensor kits, urban storytelling tools, or ecological field-spotting kits. The case studies explored in this workshop session will focus on projects for urban youth audiences/ participation towards informal cross-institutional transdisciplinary learning enabled by mobile devices to empower youth citizenship and activism. The projects feature DIY principles in the form of open-source hardware hacking, mobile app making and consuming web API data sources. *Additional registration required David Carroll (Parsons The New School for Design) Jessica Klein (New Youth City Learning Network) Chris Lawrence (New York Hall of Science)

please visit to register

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