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2004 Measure NCitizens' Oversight Committee

Kern High School District


INTRODUCTION , . . C/Nhnn, nistrict campus was already at SKtenrolment at every KemJJ^^jSsS enrol.mentwouid or above increase raDacitv in 2004 when distnct researcners piujc

S/ec^dented levels the next 10 years.

a~a in lulu The KHSD Board of Trustees respondedimJuly 2004 bv authorizing placementbond. If 2004 by ^^cUon on.tne November 2004 ballot Measure Nag""*^ awide array of distnct needs

approved,new comprehensive %*^*** ^ernizations at anumber of Measure NI would campusesa newr vo education facility for Spec.a including
California matching funds.

EdSSon students, anew^SWjK^ and the amount of sil of ,ffiBWUa^S^ costs can be T"f State of

Measure N presented ^ffJ^^-PP^ " NoVemb6r * was

Proposition 39 includes can go ^re tf.e vters,The** besundertaken with bond meet before ameasure a"^-JS^^kB^
Set2K2tafter ameasure is approved.

*hrrtnh the state's Proposition 39 program

S^Vffb^jc^S?H'c3Sa Oversight Committee's annual

. insist of at least seven members to serve for aterm of two years

rretembrroiSve, school district A- " mmunitv located within the

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