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2004 Measure NCitizens' Oversight Committee


Kern High School District

Febnidi y 2000 -^-Oofr

INTRODUCTION , . . . ., nisWct campus was already at Sent enrollment at^SSSSSS^S^Sk enrollmentwould or above increase canacitv in 2004 when district researcners piu,

Scented levels the next 10 years. a~a in iniu 2004 bv authorizing placement on.tne The KHSD 2004 ballot Measure N a general odh9 **ooX n*udlon bond. If November Board of Trustees ^^f^S^SA of distnct needs

^proved, Measure Nwould P^1.9 ^ education facility for Speaa^

including new comprehensive ""P""^^I and modernizations at anumber of

Education students, anew"fE^^?^** can be completed w*, the

tt^SSX^^^ -*and -amo California matching funds. * fKrounh the state's Proposition 39 program MeaSUrVNhTmPe=t SS.^JSKvoSeaPrL " "^ * STSSure N XasXith a67 percentvoter approval.
Proposition 39 includes anumber S^^^^

meet before ameasure can ^g^jjtf projects to besundertaken with bond

is taws - - * fWuirements Set must meet after ameasure is approved.

SSSEnaCitizens' Oversight Commrttee to ove , 39 requires the *""gj***JfMonitor a'nues Thethe public d inform Citizens establish
approved measure to

S^Vj^tfJ^ia?H'a& Oversight Committee's annua.

concerning the expenditure fgt^Hv areport of how bond funds were used in

rpoartisXaSdS June 30.2007.

The committee must include:

iat of at least seven members to serve for aterm of two years

organization representing the business

- ^rltoS^wS^eSdistrict9

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