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CSE396, Fall 2007


Problem Set 1

Due Thu. Sept. 6

For next week, read Chapter 1 up through page 47this page is the same for both editions of the text. Labor Day zaps two of the scheduled recitations, so recitations will not meet next week at all, i.e. no Tue. 8am recitation either . My goal is to make the recitation schedule denite in time to begin recitations in Week 3. Problems (1)(3) on this set are regarded as a check on prerequisite knowledgeif (1) in particular takes more than an hour to do, please see me in oce hours for guidance on what to review. Problem (4) is more typical of the level of exercises later on, and I will take recitation-style questions on it in Tuesdays lecture. Also read the section on Academic Integrity on the course webpage (, in-tandem with my particular provisions stated in class. Finally, carry out the directions for installing the Turing Kit software in your own CSE396 directory. (1) Text, chapter 0, pages 2527, exercises 0.20.6, with some guidelines: In 0.2, if the set is nite, you may choose either to list out its members or give a more-formal description. Problem 0.4 needs no explanation, but for 0.5, give an explanation in terms of the set of binary strings of length exactly c. (In the rst edition, the problems start on p26. 6+6+2+6+7 = 27 pts.) (2) Text, chapter 0, exercise 0.7 on page 26. You can dene any relations you like, even love/hate relations. . . so long as theyre printable. (18 pts.) (3) Text, chapter 0, exercise 0.9 on page 27, with these stipulations: You need only dene the edge set of the graph, so dont mention V = {1,2,3,4,5,6}. You may (and should ) use the notational convention established in class that letters i through n stand for integers by default. Last and most, you must give a formal description that ts within 23 standard ASCII characters, not counting spaces and yes counting the opening { and closing }. (9 pts.) (4) Let A B = (A \ B) (B \ A) stand for the symmetric dierence of the sets A and B. This is analogous to the Boolean xor (exclusive-or) operation, since A B = { x : x Axorx B }. (Here when A and B are languages, i.e. subsets of for some alphabet , it is understood that x refers to strings over .) (a) Under what conditions does A B = ? Same for A B = , and A B = A.

(b) Is it the case that for all languages A, B, C over any alphabet , (A B)C = AC BC? Prove your answer, or give a counterexample. (9+9 = 18 pts., for 72 total on this problem set)

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