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Webb, William. Corporal Punishment in the Bible: A Redemptive-Movement Hermeneutic for Troubling Texts.

Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2011. ISBN 978-0-8308-2761-9. William Webb tackles the tough texts which relate to the discipline of children (and even adults). In Part I, Troubling Texts, he outlines the purpose and aim of his volume. Part II tackles slavery texts and rod and whip texts. Part III turns to the questions of adult corporal punishment and using non-corporal methods for children. The volume doesnt end there though. Webb also describes in the conclusion how to read the Bible differently (when it comes to such texts as those dealt with) and in an appendix he takes Andreas Kostenberger to the woodshed and delivers a sound spanking to him for his views (pun intended). The riposte to Kosentberger is worth the price of the volume. But the volume itself is very much worth reading in its wholeness. And what does Webb accomplish? First, he instructs those who believe theyre following scripture in their methods of child discipline that they are actually going beyond scripture when they practice corporal punishment. Second, he reiterates the differences between Israelite culture and other ancient near eastern cultures in their treatment of children and suggests that Israelites were much more redemptively oriented in discipline. And third he argues throughout against corporal punishment and illustrates the theory by means of anecdotes about his own family. The book is a grand example of how one applies ancient theology to modern life. Whether or not one agrees with Webbs views (and truth be told, he argues well, but ultimately not persuasively) one is brought face to face with biblical theology and I stand in applause to him for that. So pick up your belt and spank your unruly child. But know that over your shoulder Webb is glaring at you disapprovingly, and he has a Bible, which he reads quite cleverly, in his hand. And he wants you to read it cleverly too. Jim West Quartz Hill School of Theology

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