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Flubber Recipe

Mixture 1: cups Warm Water 1 cup Elmers Glue Food Coloring (optional) Mixture 2: 2 tsp Borax cup warm water Stir mixture 1 together in 1 bowl, mixture 2 in another bowl. Make sure both are mixed well. Pour mixture 1 into mixture 2. No need to stir, gently lift and turn the mixture until approximately a tablespoon of liquid is left. Flubber will be sticky at first. Let excess liquid drip off. Work it for 2 to 3 minutes.

Stretch it...Bounce it...Roll it!

How many ways can you explore this substance? Whats the Science? Flubber its not just a Disney movie. Flubber is a polymer. The word polymer comes from the Greek language from poly many and meros parts. Polymers are large molecules consisting of repeating identical structural units connected by covalent chemical bonds. Polymers can be naturally occurring or manmade. Manmade polymers are materials like nylon, polyester, and polystyrene. Examples of naturally occurring polymers are proteins in our body like tubulin and actin. These proteins make up microtubules and microfilaments that serve as structural components within our cells. Storage and Safety Guidelines: Store Flubber in an airtight container for about 3 weeks of use. Flubber is nonedible. When you are through with it, discard in a trash container. Do not wash down the drain

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