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DISCHARGE PLAN M edication Anti-inflammatory drop containing an antibiotic ex: G betamethasone (a corticosteroid) combined with antibioticneomycin.

A cycloplegic may also be prescribed to prevent ciliary spasm: G.cyclopentolate twice daily and should be stored in arefrigerator between uses. E nvironment Modified or structured environment to ensure patients safety because vision may be blurry for several weeks after thesurgery. T herapy Protective eye patch to avoid accidental rubbing or poking of the eye. Continuation of prescribed medications. H ealth Teaching Wearing of eye patch 24 hours after surgery. Sunglasses should be worn while outdoors during the day because the eye is sensitive to light. Slight morning discharge, some redness, and a scratchy feelingmay be expected for a few days. Because cataract surgery increases the risk for retinaldetachment, the patient must know to notify the surgeon if newfloaters (dots) in vision, flashing lights, decrease in vision, painor increase in redness occurs. Outpatient Follow-up The patient needs to have a scheduled check up to see the progress of vision or detection of any complications. Diet There are no dietary restrictions. However, the restrictions as per preexisting medical problems, if any, are to continue.

The patient must avoid constipation by taking high fiber dietand plenty of fluids. S pirituality Spiritual practices according to ones faith and religion.

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