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World Religions Chapter 12 Quiz Directions: On a separate sheet of paper write the word that best answers the

question or completes the sentence. 1. Judaisms most basic theological statement, the____________________, is recited twice daily. 2. The first five books of the bible are called the _____________________. In Greek, they are called the Pentateuch, 3. The __________________ is based directly on the Mishna, and presents a grand scheme of the interpretation of Gods will. 4. The name for God in Hebrew is identified by what four letters? 5. This means one who speaks for. 6. In what year was the Jewish temple destroyed for the second time? 7. What are the three major parts of the Hebrew Bible? 8. In which book of the Torah, do we read about the Ten Commandments? 9. Jews who live outside of Israel are called________________. 10. The spread of Greek culture is called _______________. 11. Which branch of Judaism is known for rejecting Greek culture and living in desert communities? 12. Which branch of Judaism was least affected after the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem? 13. Who is the famous Jewish philosopher from Spain who wrote a statement of beliefs that is similar to our Nicene Creed? 14. Who is known as the most revered person in Judaism and its greatest prophet? 15. In the years following the Greek conquest of Palestine, members of this branch of Judaism may have benefited from tax revenues.

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