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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X- Northern Mindanao
Division of Iligan City

Introduction to World Religions and

Belief Systems

Self- Learning Activities

Quarter I
Module 1: Understanding the Nature of Religion
Module 2: Origin of World Religions
Module 3: Positive and Negative Effects of Religion
Module 4: Judaism
Module 5:Core Teaching of Christianity and its Elements
Module 6: Islam
Module 7: Comparative Analysis on the Abrahamic Religions
Module 8: Hinduism
Module 9: Theravada Buddhism

Quarter II
Module 10: Mahayana Buddhism
Module 11: Confucianism
Module 12: Taoism
Module 13: Shintoism

Prepared by:

Christy T. Atok
Teacher II
Module 1: Understanding the Nature of Religion

Name:_______________________________________Grade and Section:___________________

Task 1: Bible Graphics. Draw a Bible, Quran or any related text/material used in your religion and
answer the following questions below.

1.How do religions come about?

2.How does religion differ from spirituality?

Module 2: Origin of World Religion

Name:_______________________________________Grade and Section:___________________

Task1: Identify the religion that each picture depicts below.

1. __________________ 2.____________________

3. _________________________ 4, ________________________

5. ____________________________
Module 3: Positive and Negative Effects of Religion

Name:_______________________________________Grade and Section:___________________

Task 1:List down at least five possible consequences if a society has no religion.

1. _
2. _
3. _
4. _
5. _

Task 2: Which effect of religion is referred to in the following sentences? Write the letter of the
correct answer before each number.


a. Religion promotes discrimination.

b. Religion promotes social harmony.
c. Religion affirms hierarchy.
d. Religion sets positive goals in life.
e. Religion obstructs scientific success and development.
f. Religion reduces fear of the unknown.
g. Religion obstructs the use of reason.
h. Religion gives people a sense of belonging.
i. Religion makes people fight each other.
j. Religion provides moral values.

_1. Religion integrates and stabilizes cultures as well as nations.

_2. Religion should be susceptible to progress.
_3. Religion sets notions of right and wrong.
_4. Religion promotes obscurantism.
_5. Religion gives a sense of origin and destination.
_6. Religion is a source of discrimination.
_7. Religion gives a sense of purpose in life.
_8. Religion makes good people do evil things.
_9. Religion provides personal identity to individuals as part of a
group with similar world views, beliefs, values, practices, and
_10. Religion perpetuates notions of class or gender
discrimination and oppression
Module 4: Judaism

Name:_______________________________________Grade and Section:___________________

Task 1: 4 Pics, One Word: Guess the concept described in the four pics shown below.


1.What concept/ word does the four pictures show?

2.Was it difficult for you to guess the word? Why or why not?

3.What is your background knowledge about the concept/religion projected in the four pictures?
What do you wish to know about it?
Module 5:Core Teaching of Christianity and its Elements

Name:_______________________________________Grade and Section:___________________

Task 1: Directions: Read each question pertaining to the Ten Commandments. Encircle the
letter of the correct answer .
1. How many Commandments did God give to Moses?
a. 2.
b. 10.
c. 12.

2. What is the First Commandment?

a. "You shall not take the Name of the Lord in vain."
b. "Remember to keep holy the Lord's day."
c. I am the Lord your God, who has brought you out of the land of Egypt."

3. What is an oath?
a. It is a cereal.
b. It is calling upon God to witness the truth of what is being said.
c. It is a lie.

4. Which statement is true?

a. The Sabbath is the first day of the week.
b. Sunday and the Sabbath are the same thing.
c. The Sabbath is the seventh day of the week.

5. Which Commandment forbids a person from killing?

a. The Seventh Commandment.
b. The Sixth Commandment.
c. The Fifth Commandment.

6. Which Commandment forbids to take the life of an unborn child?

a. The Seventh Commandment.
b. The Sixth Commandment.
c. The Fifth Commandment.

7. The Eight Commandment forbids to steal. That means that...

a. If you find something, you can keep it without making any efforts of finding its owner.
b. You cannot take what justly belongs to another.
c. Cheating in one's income tax is allowed.

8. Which Commandment forbids a person to injure another person's honor

and reputation?
a. The Eight Commandment.
b. The Ninth Commandment.
c.The Seventh Commandment

Module 6: Islam
Name:_______________________________________Grade and Section:___________________

Task 1: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct
1. The term “Islam” means
a. submission b. peace c. fortitude d. thankfulness
2. The chapters that compose the Quran are known as
a. Surahs b. Sunnahs c. Shari’ah d. Sufis
3. The word jihad means
a. pilgrimage b. to strive or struggle c. fasting d. prophecy
4. Which of the following is true about the Sunnah?
a. It is the way of life of the prophet Muhammad.
b. Muslims can learn about the Sunnah from the hadith literature.
c. It is the mystical tradition of Islam
d. Both a and b
5. The hadith reports
a. Tell about what Muhammad said and did
b. Were collected by those closest to Muhammad
c. Were compiled in several authoritative collections
d. all of the above
6. The hijra is
a. The journey of the early Muslim community from Mecca to Medina
b. The annual pilgrimage to Mecca
c. The written reports of how Muhammad lived his life
d. The term for Islamic law
7. The salat is
a. The five daily prayers Muslims are expected to perform
b. The term for Islamic law
c. The term for a chapter of the Qur’an
d. The term for the Ramadan fast
8. Which of the following is not one of the Five Pillars of Islam?
a. Fasting during the month of Ramadan
b. Jihad
c. Declaration of faith
d. Prayer five times daily
9. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are required to fast from dawn
to dusk, which means they
a. Abstain from food and drink
b. Abstain from food, drink, and sex
c. Abstain from eating meat
d. Abstain from food, but may consume liquids
10. When he received the revelation of the Qur’an, Muhammad
a. Was about 40 years old
b. Was already recognized as a prophet
c. Was married to Aisha
d. Was a teenager

Module 7: Comparative Analysis on the Abrahamic Religions

Name:_______________________________________Grade and Section:___________________

Task 1: Complete the Venn Diagram below by writing down the differences and
of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Make a brief explanation of your work.



Module 8: Hinduism
Name:_______________________________________Grade and Section:___________________

Task 1:Directions: Read each item carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if it is incorrect.

1. The word Yoga means to yoke.

2. Vedas is the longest poem in the world

3. In Hinduism, the people that do not belong to the caste system

are called “brahmins “.

4. The sacred scriptures in Hinduism are called Mahabharata.

5. Vishnu is the creator of the universe

6. Rig-Veda is the oldest living religious literature in the world.

7. Jnana yoga means the way of knowledge.

8. Soul in Hinduism is called atman.

9. Karma Yoga is the path of action, service to others and

remembering the levels of our being while fulfilling our actions

10. Atharva Veda is the book for curses and charms.

Module 9: Theravada Buddhism

Name:_______________________________________Grade and Section:___________________

Task 1:Directions :Complete the table by filling in the blanks with the correct answer.
Choose the answer from the list below. Write your answers in your notebook.

living thing consciousness feeling

maintain Killing overcome

Untruthfulness tale-bearing

Four Noble Truths


Eightfold Path What One Must Do

Right View
Understand the “ ” (1.)
Right Intention
Free one’s self from ill-will, cruelty, and (2.)
Right Speech
Abstain from untruthfulness, , (3.) harsh language, and vain talk
Right Action
Abstain from , (4) stealing, and sexual misconduct
Right Livelihood
Earn a living in a way not harmful to any (5)
Right Effort
Avoid evil thoughts and (6) them, arouse good thoughts and (7)
Right Mindfulness
Pay vigilant attention to every state of the body, , (8) and mind
Right Concentration
Concentrate on a (9) object so as to induce certain special states of
(10) in deep meditation
Module 10: Mahayana Buddhism

Name:__________________________________Grade andSection:___________________

Task 1:Briefly describe the four popular Sutras in Mahayana Buddhism using the graphic
organizer below.

The Four Famous

Sutras in Mahayana
Module 11: Confucianism
Name:__________________________________Grade andSection:___________________

Task 1: Fill in the needed information about the Five Constants.

Five English Ways of Achieving It Ways You Can

Constants equivalent Demonstrate/ Show
These Virtues in
Your Personal Life
Module 12: Taoism

Name:__________________________________Grade andSection:___________________

Task 1: Direction: Analyze the following thoughts of Lao Tzu. Share your understanding in
three-five sentences only. Write your answers inside the box.
Module 13: Shintoism

Name:__________________________________Grade andSection:___________________

Task 1: Directions: Read the following sentences and write True if the statement is correct and

False if the statement is wrong.

1. Shinto is Japan’s indigenous religion which means way of the gods.

2. Shinto has no human founder.

3. Shinto lacks a doctrine of the soul and has no Bible-like core text or a codified

system of ethics.

4. Shinto is concern more with community than with the individual, with

performing rituals rather than with doctrines and believing.

5. Japanese people visit church while performing rituals and festivals.

6. Shinto does not have a schedule of regular religious services—followers

decide when they wish to attend a shrine.

7. Shinto believes in only one god.

8. Kojiki is the most important and universally recognized kami because it is

mentioned in the mythological accounts.

9. Shinto altars are all found in Shrines.

10. New Year is not celebrated by the Shinto.

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