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Writing and Thinking Workshop Bard High School Early College, Queens Year 1 Anthology Observation by Henry David

Thoreau Script by Danielle LaSusa Homework At the end of the day, read once around, each student takes one sentence. For homework, read piece and do a two-column response journal. One side should be direct quotes and the other First Thoughts. Students should write at least 3 quotes and responses. Session 1. Read aloud. Each student takes one sentence. (5 min) 2. Students choose one of their quotes and elaborate on their first thoughts in a FFW. (5 min) 3. Share, read around. (8-10 min) 4. Discussion. Did you get any questions answered or have any new questions after hearing your peers? (10 min) 5. Believing and Doubting, with reference to the statement: Your observation, to be interesting, i.e. to be significant, must be subjective. (5 min in support, 5 min in opposition) 6. Share, thought-chain style. Students choose whichever argument they think is more convincing, not necessarily the one they most agree with, to share. (10-12 min) 7. Process. After hearing your peers arguments, what conclusions about this statement do you come to? Were you persuaded by anything anyone said? (5 min) 8. Share, thought-chain style. (10 min)

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