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Script for Workshop: Writing in Response to Graphics Take it to the Limit by Steven Strogatz (20min day one, 25min

day two) In class: Instructions: Turn to page 45 and just skim through the pictures, without reading the words. (5min) FFW Prompt Write about your first impressions of just the graphics. (5min) Share: Quaker style. (7-10min) For homework: FFW prompt: Read the entire article, text and graphics, and write a piece of prose containing graphics/illustrations. Make sure the graphics/illustrations go with the text, just as Strogatz did in this piece. Next day in class: Share: Quaker style. (7-10min) PROCESS: How did the graphics in the Strogatz piece help you to understand and work through the text? Or how did the Strogatz piece help to inspire your piece? (5min) Share: Thought Chain (10min)

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