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"Streets of Mogadishu" (pistoI & rifIe)

3,20 920
1 William Shelton 165.4
2 Kevin Monk 197.5
3 Eric D Henson 207.2
4 Kevin Gayon 222.7
5 Gary Lopeman 224.1
6 Shawn Rosenberger 226.7
7 George Oswald 241.3
8 Zack Lopeman 269.5
9 Mike Zioneck 273.3
10 Wayne Gayan 285.8
11 Tom Jurgens 289.9
12 Tim Morris 473.9
13 Ryan Olson 489.3
Great turnout, great shoot, terrible weather.
Thanks to all who came out. Apologies to those
who did not get an opportunity to shoot.
S Match 9/3/11

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