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Problem: Cholelithiasis






Subjective: Simakit latta metten tyan ko Objective: Body Weakness Abdominal Pain Anorexia V/S taken as follows: T: 37.1 C P: 89 R: 31 Bp: 90/60

Acute pain related to inflammation and distortion of tissues.

After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patients pain will be relieved or controlled.

Observe and Document location of pain, severity (0-10 scale), and character of pain. Reduce Lack of Knowledge, explain the cause of pain to the patient Discuss with the person and family the therapeutic uses of distraction, along with other methods of pain relief Teach non invasive pain relief measures, Relaxation, teach a specific relaxation strategy(slow, rhythmic breathing or deep breathing or clench fists) Promote bed rest and in low fowlers position Control Environmental Temperature Encourage individual to discuss his or her pain experience

goal met

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