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The Chalice Lighter

Newsletter for Members & Friends of the South Fraser Unitarian Congregation, Surrey BC

------------------------ September 2011 -----------------------Sunday Services (10:30 am)

Sept 11 Bringing Back the Waters ~ Mona Milne

Global Chalice Lighting for September 2011

Below is the 97th in the monthly series of Global Chalice Lightings from the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists, for use during September 2011. It is submitted in French and English by the Unitarian Universalist Association. Somewhere in Berkeley and in Boston and in Bujimbara, Someone lights a chalice, and its light shines on freedom; Somewhere in Kansas City and in Koloszvar and in Kampala, Someone lights a chalice, and its light illumines truth; Somewhere in Tierra del Fuego, and in Tulsa, and in Honolulu and in Havana, and in Nashville and in Nantucket and in Nairobi, Someone lights a chalice, and love is made visible. Today, we light this chalice and hold in memory, the many chalices whose steady flames hold us. Rosemary Bray McNatt Unitarian Universalist Association

As we gather again after a summer break, we welcome each other back and celebrate our coming together with a water communion. Please bring a sample of water that you have gathered from your travels or your local sources. After the service we will have a pot-luck lunch to celebrate a new beginning. Please bring a salad, cookies, sandwiches, fruit or anything else you want to share. Sept 18 Embracing Fallibility: Whats Right About Being Wrong? ~Rev. Barbara Davenport

Our admission of being wrong, rather than a sign of weakness is actually a sign of strength. When we acknowledge our mistakes we remove ourselves from the impossible pedestal of perfection and admit that we are indeed part of the human race. Well explore notions, feelings and experiences of being wrong, based on the recent book "Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error (2010) by American Journalist, Kathryn Schulz. Everyone is encouraged to read her book prior to the service. There is also a video of her here kathryn_schulz_on_being_wrong.html Barbara Davenport will be available for a dutch treat lunch at a local restaurant after our coffee hour to continue a discussion of this theme...or other interesting topics. Everyone is invited to join us. Sept 25 Remember Zen ~ Sheldon Moore

Sheldon MOORE recently had his first book, Remember Zen: Awaken the Buddha-Nature Within. He will tell us about his spiritual journey from growing up on a farm along Peace River, studies in the US and Australia to a career in the high-tech industry. On the way he discovered there is a more fulfilling way to live and is now an organic farmer in the Okanagan.

Calendar of Events for September 11

Sun, Sept 11: First Sunday back Potluck after service Thur, Sept 29: Movie Night at Lynnes (details page 2)

Sat, Sept 17: Multifaith Peace Conference (details page 2)

South Frasers Bulletin Board

Birthday Greetings to: July: 4th 12th 27th 28th 29th Clay Tippett Shannon Reid Rosemary Liburd Valerie Dalley Matthew Dalley September: 15th Kathleen Z. 19th Lucia Scott 26th Keiko Yano MOVIE NIGHT AT LYNNES PLACE: Celestine Prophesy: An Adventure by James Redfield will be shown at Lynne Rhead's home on Thursday, Sept 29th with a start time of 6:30 pm. Coffee & tea and popcorn will be served. possibly potluck dinner if members are interested. I will need at least 4 to 5 congregation members to confirm their attendance to show this movie. Please e-mail me at or call me at 604-930-5500 if you are interested and need directions to find my home. Check SFUC website as all movies are now listed under the Adult Religious Education section. ------------------------------------------------------------------Gwynneth Quirk asks that people delete John's e-mail address ( from their computer and substitute her address ( She wants to close down John's computer and but cant until all possible correspondents know the new address. ------------------------------------------------------------------Again this year, we shall offer delicious, oven-ready COOKIES AND PIES to be delivered before Thanksgiving. Also, small, frozen pizzas will be on the order form. Regina will organize this project. ------------------------------------------------------------------COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROJECT: The fall, monthly third-Sunday collections will be donated to the Langley Food Bank. ------------------------------------------------------------------BC FALL REGIONAL GATHERING: "Building Community, Coming Home", October 21-23 in Kelowna. A joint effort of the Kelowna and Kamloops UU Fellowships. Join us for the annual gathering of BC Unitarians for a weekend of fun and fulfillment. Mark your calendars, make your plans. Contact Heather at bcgathering Fees and accommodation information forthcoming. Check the CUC website for BC Fall Gathering updates.

August: 2nd Audrey Graham 14th Win Hunter 20th Joel Grenz 26th John Fritz 31st Kate Coghlan ------------------------------------------------------------------MULTIFAITH MOVEMENT FOSTERS GLOBAL PEACE: The Global Clergy Association of Canada and Northwood United Church invite you to a multifaith Peace Conference on Sept 17, 9:30-3 pm at Northwood United Church (8855 156th Street, Surrey). The event will involve recitation of peace prayers, presentations and group discussion on Global Peace. Cost is $10 (includes lunch). For more info and to register, contact: Kerry Child at or (604) 581-8454, or Acharya S.P. Dwivedi at or (604) 507-3099 ------------------------------------------------------------------HEY-U-MEN 2010: Join an amazing group of men for a weekend retreat this fall. Held at beautiful Lake Sasamat this event is a rare opportunity to reflect on your quality of life, work with and learn from other men, discover more of yourself, build relationships both new and old, and have FUN in the company of strong, gentle, witty and wise men. Oct. 14-16. For more information and to register: visit -------------------------------------------------------------------

Words from the Worship Committee

By Mona Milne

Thanks to those of you who have provided us with input on what you want to hear presented at our services and who you think would be good speakers. There is a wide variety of suggestions. We aim to do our best to follow your advice. We are fortunate to have some leaders among us who are willing to take on special tasks: Dave Dalley will invite one of the leaders of faith in our community for the first Sunday of the month. Jen Grenz will work with him to find suitable music for these occasions. Sylvia Zeelenberg will continue to assist with song and lead the choir for the remainder of services, accompanied by Deenie on piano. It is exciting to have a new and more efficient sound system in place, we just have to learn how to put it to optimal use. We will also put more emphasis on the UU Principals and Traditions in each service. So far we have engaged Rev. Barbara Davenport, Rev. Steven Epperson, and Rev. Stephen Atkinson for the fall. At this point the committee consists of Mona Milne (chair), Karin Wegner (secretary), Renie McRae, Katrina Coghlan, Dave Dalley, Sylvia Zeelenberg. We plan to meet the 2nd Monday (unless it is a holiday) of each month. You are welcome to attend if you have a suggestion or a question to discuss. Please let me know five days in advance so I can put you on the agenda. Next meeting will be September 12 at 6 p.m. at my home.

South Fraser getting closer to Szeged

By Mona Milne

July 3 we set off from Budapest to Szeged on fast toll roads in a loaned car to visit our Partner Church. I was to deliver 95500 forints, the donation collected at our latest Dessert Extravaganza, and the quilted copy of our banner made by Shirley Tempest to the congregation. First we were invited to a three course hot lunch at the Ministers home in Hodmezvasarhely. We met the three sons and one girlfriend as well as Tunde and Mihaly Kiss. The table was set in the garden, but at the threat of rain, the delicious meal was taken inside. Two sons and the young woman are gainfully employed in their professions in Budapest and they all spoke English. The Kiss family should have been somewhat drained after a wedding the previous evening, but they were as friendly and hospitable as ever. It is a mystery to me how Hungarian women can create these complicated dishes in the tiny kitchens common in older buildings. I was shown that a photo of South Fraser Unitarian Congregation had been received via e-mail. Thank you Trevor Phillips for getting the whole gang looking its best! The money we sent last year went towards buying foldable tables to be used this August, when there will be a youth camp on the church property. The rest of the year they will be available for social and educational gatherings in the church hall. We then followed Rev. and Mrs. Kiss to the Reformed Church, the enormous brick building where the Unitarian services are held in Szeged, 25 km away. There were 20 persons who entered through a side door and were seated in the corner, closest to the pulpit. Nothing, apart from the hymnals, indicated this was a Unitarian service. I could not understand a word, but could sing the hymns, which are short and slow, well played by the cantor on the church organ. I could make my presentation of the banner at the end. I also took the opportunity to appoint two honorary members of South Fraser: Tunde because she is communicating with us in English, and Tibor Kiss, who is the Partner Church coordinator. He does not speak English, but is wife Eva speaks both German and English. I gave them each our membership pin, Mihaly already had one. As we gathered outside for pictures, one woman approached me to give us a small book with wonderful photos from the area. Make sure you take a look through it in the next weeks. She is the mother of one of the two teenagers present and she is teaching herself English. Afterwards we were invited to Eva and Tibor for drinks and a cold meal. Present was also Tibors sister Judit, who teaches German and Russian, and her husband. I found her easy to talk to and hope somebody here will correspond with her in German eventually. All the locals present were originally from Transylvania. Andy was the one who talked with the men. He found out that Mihaly also preaches in another small congregation in the area and that the Szeged congregation doesnt meet every Sunday. Dr. Eva Kiss is a professor of Philosophy and well connected with Hungarians in Canada. Tibor is an agricultural engineer but is presently involved with the legalities of bankruptcies. These are the pillars of the congregation. Andy asked about the financial situation for the average Hungarian, and Tibor confirmed that it is hard for individuals to get established and youth to make a living. Although there are major renovations of old buildings and construction to improve the infrastructure (new bike trails in Budapest were noticed), the workers do not always get paid. When it comes to pay for projects, there are levels of subcontractors involved, and the money at times runs out before it gets to the man on the street. On the positive side, as seniors, we enjoyed free rides on public transportation. We all agreed to encourage young families in our congregations to make connection via e-mail. You might start thinking about a UU Pilgrimage to Transylvania and Hungary for next summer, June 4 18. It will take you to Szeged, Budapest, Kolozsvar and another 10 interesting locations. Visit for more information.

Keeping Contact
By Mona Milne

Thank you Shirley Tempest, who organized the Langley Cluster members to put together a summer service in Langley. We sang with Win Searle at the piano and listened to Cheryl McHugh on flute. Some of us shared stories from our childhood and a poem. At lunch 22 women continued to catch up on more recent events. When we arrived at Fleetwood Park two weeks later, we were greeted with an 11 circle LABYRINTH on the parking lot, drawn in chalk by David Dalley. Kate Coghlan and Lynne Rhead gathered us at the stone labyrinth, three benches and 8 folding chairs were occupied. They explained three different ways to approach and walk the labyrinth, and we had time to mindfully meander through it in silence. In spite of weather forecast of rain, we had gentle sunshine and enjoyed our pic-nic admiring the colourful flower arrangements. The children amused themselves in the water park. Thanks for making it a memorable event.

Submitted by Carrie Phillips, Board Secretary Highlights from the Board Meeting held June 1, 2011

PRESENT: Mike Sands, David Grant, Gerri Ormiston, Carrie Phillips, Erin Knudsen, Helene Kirschbaum, Royce Rourke, Sandy Chism, Lynne Rhead REPORTS FROM COMMITTEE LIAISONS: Care and Concern: The committee is reviewing Cluster Groups in specific reference to Sunday Service cancellations. Worship: Four Services are planned during the summer months with some in co-ordination with the Beacon Church. CUC: Royce Rourke gave a report from the Toronto meeting. Steve Faraher-Amidon, our other delegate, later submitted his written report. Mona suggested that sections be submitted to the Chalice Lighter over the fall months. Membership: Ryan Usenik, chairperson, has been updating our membership list. He reports 58 members and 1 associate member. Rita Parker and Samantha Marciniak have been dropped. Social Justice: Steve Faraher-Amidon is compiling the results of the Congregational survey for topic and speaker suggestions. From the CUC regional cluster, the issue of homelessness was decided upon as a focus for area congregations. Kathleen Zimmerman is organizing our table/involvement at the Surrey Pride Festival. Fundraising: Gerri Ormiston is willing to continue to offer first Sunday sandwich lunches. Personnel: Mary Hamilton reported that: -Dan Coghlan will continue with publication of the Chalice Lighter and will investigate the possibility of putting it on the Web site. -Kate Coghlan will continue with the Children's Religious Education Program. -Mary Hamilton will maintain the Connections list. -Karin Wegner will prepare the Order of Service and send out the Communigram. Mary and Linda Pugh will assist if necessary. -Mary will take over the depositing of weekly money from Win Searle with Linda as a backup. NEW BUSINESS: Board Size: Mike Sands expressed concern that the Board should have eight members plus past chair to allow for a more viable transition process. Sound System: Moved by Erin, seconded by Helene that: we ask David Dalley to collaborate with Joel Grenz and Jerry Walter to investigate a sound system over the summer and to present a firm plan and price for such equipment not to exceed $1000. Passed with one no.

Lay Chaplaincy: Sandy Chism volunteered to take the lead and search for people to serve and meet over the summer months. Erin moved, seconded by David Grant that Sandy approach people beginning immediately to serve on the Lay Chaplain Committee. Passed. The Committee should report to the Congregation in September regarding this issue. Election of Officers: Mike reminded the Board that, in future, officers should be elected at the Annual General Meeting according to our by-laws. New Officers for 2011-2012 Co-Chairs Vice-Chair Treasurer Secretary Members-at-large Past Chair Liaisons Cares & Concerns Children's RE Fundraising Membership Personnel Social Justice Adult RE CUC Lay Chaplaincy Ministry Publicity Worship Sandy Chism Erin Knudsen Carrie Phillips Lynne Rhead Carrie Phillips Royce Rourke Lynne Rhead Royce Rourke Sandy Chism Erin Knudsen David Grant Mike Sands Erin Knudsen and Lynne Rhead Mike Sands David Grant Carrie Phillips Royce Rourke and Sandy Chism Mike Sands

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. The next meeting will be on Wed., Sept. 7, 2011 at 6:45 at the home of Erin Knudsen (Dalley)

Among Ourselves
By Pearle Glen

Summer finally arrived but with a "late slip." However it is a joy to awaken to sunshine rather than gloomy skies. Members have been busy. Joan Campbell spent two weeks in Oregon with family, the Parker Suttons enjoyed their cabin at Green Lake and entertained a guest from England. Linda Pugh traveled to Montreal to attend a Soroptimists meeting then proceeded to Ottawa to peruse the war museum. The Tempests entertained about 25 members at their residence. All enjoyed good readings, especially one by Shirley which rendered much hilarity. Good food, good fellowship, and fun prevailed. That Langley group certainly has live wires. Meanwhile, I had company from June onward relatives from Alberta, Nanaimo and Kelowna. I'm all "baked" out. Do call our "shut ins." People need people! Also send your healing energy to those in need, especially John Fritz and the Pratts. We are so fortunate to be living here. Let's hope we are ready to face the challenges both here and abroad. Meantime, enjoy the sunshine and we'll see you in church in September. See you in church. Love and gratitude, Pearle

First Sunday Community Interfaith Series

This coming year, on the first Sunday of the month, we will be inviting spiritual leaders from diverse faith traditions in our community to reflect on what their faith tradition means to them. Speakers will reflect on the following questions: What are some of the core values and practices of your faith tradition? How do they shape and strengthen your faith community? How might the wisdom of your faith tradition help us to live and flourish in our diverse community? The line-up of speakers includes: Acharya Dwivedi, President of the Global Hindu Foundation and internationally recognized interfaith advocate, Kerr Cuhulain, a retired Vancouver Police Officer who has been involved in anti-defamation activism and hate crimes investigation for the Pagan community, Ian Bushfield, President of the BC Humanist Association who writes and speaks on topics around science education, atheism, religion, and politics. Mufti Aasim Rashid, a young Imam at the Surrey Jamea Masjid who is a passionate community builder and educator about Islam. Dr. Jagessar Das, President of the Kabir Association of Canada and follower of Kabir, one of historys most inspiring peace builders. Sukhvinder Vinning, Vice President of the Multifaith Action Society and passionate speaker about Sikhism, Rev. Will Sparks, Minister at Northwood United Church, and pillar of the emerging interfaith movement in Surrey. Harold Rosen, Interfaith Educator, prolific writer, and respected leader in the Bah community. Services will be lead by David Dalley, with Jen Grenz coordinating music. There will be posters available at service in September for you to distribute and help raise awareness of this series in your neighbourhood. Please let David Dalley know if you have any other questions. We hope to see you there!

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