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Chapter I Problems and its background Introduction:

Mathematics is the study of numbers, numbers that will confuse your mind, numbers that will consume your time and also a numbers that will make you hate them, but numbers are the symbols that we need to familiarize because numbers are use to solve simple or major problem, Nowadays in our everyday living we encounter simple problem in our houses, market, school, hospital, offices and others, thats why we encourage the students to understand solving word problems. Mathematics is an interesting subject because it is useful in our daily life. Moreover it is a challenging subject , especially when we talk about solving word problems, there are several factors to be considered in solving word problem, reading carefully with understanding is a big factor, analyzing the problem, identifying the given using appropriate formula and last solving or getting the correct answer. Solving word problem is a process of finding the solution so that it is not so easy so solve, because you need a lot of information, lot of schema and lot of experience to solve a given word problem, thats why when the teachers give a solving word problemto the student, some student find it difficult because they need to analyze, think and give more of their time to solve such problems.

You may encounter various of word problem so hopefully the study will help you a lot.

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