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MODULE 1 “Activity and Assessment”

Activity 1: Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answers on the
space provided.

1. What are the three general goals mentioned in the introduction? Which do you
think is the most important? Explain why?

The following are the three general goals of the module:

 Helping children make sense of mathematics

 Incorporating practical experiences, and
 Using research to guide teaching and help those who are or will be teachers of
mathematics in elementary schools help children develop understanding and
proficiency with mathematics so they can solve problems.

 These are the goals that have become very popular recently among students.
Because it helps students for connect their knowledge with practical situations.
Many students don’t know how to write a research paper and find it a very
difficult. And which gives the ability to make real life decisions without inflicting
the liability. Compared to other academic writings research writing is considered
to be more difficult. If you have doubt in your ability to produce a proper research,
you must use research writing help. Using research to guide teaching and help
those who are or will be teachers of mathematics in elementary schools help
children develop understanding and proficiency with mathematics so they can
solve problems is the most important for me as a student research is of limited
importance in the teaching of most non-technical material. It is of great
importance in math and the hard sciences since many of the students will aspire
to achieve a doctorate, which is a research degree. Research is of lesser, but still
significant, importance in those engineering schools that are preparing the most
effective innovators, since they must be prepared to use ever improving and
more complex knowledge. Moreover, for me as a teacher it is his/her
responsibility to gain the attention of the students and persuade them by facts
information in order for them to learn.
2. Mathematics in the School. As you observe in a school, look for signs of the
role that mathematics plays in that school. Does it differ from class to class?

 First, Math has the biggest role and is important because it is the language of the
universe! The universe is intelligible to a certain extent and the language and
laws of mathematics help describe it and help us to understand it. So then
Mathematics points to our ability to reason and think logically. That’s pretty cool.
Imagine we were all here on Planet Earth, but didn’t have the intelligence to
survive or thrive on it? The growth of civilization and advancement of technology
all rely on mathematics. For example, the structural soundness of the building
you’re in right now can be credited to engineers and architects, but relies on the
laws of mathematics.
Mathematics is key the in our existence and survival. Mathematics also
brings order to our everyday lives. For instance, imagine life without the ability to
add or subtract, without simple arithmetic laws it would cause chaos in our
finances. From the perspective of a Math student, Math is important because
with enough interest and perseverance, it can transport you to a mysterious
dimension of order and wonder. This sense of order and harmony is present in
any level of Math and not reserved only for mighty mathematicians.

Instruction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the space

 3 Things I learned from this lesson

 Be creative in teaching mathematics to children and help them solve problem in

real life and situational, as a future teacher.
 There are lots of ways in order to learn and teach math.
 Mathematics has a broader view and just like other subject math also accelerates
or change its curriculum for the growth of individual.

 2 Things I will do to apply what I learned

 Embraced mathematics as part of individuals’ development.
 Start teaching the young learners about the basic math.

 1 Question I have about the lesson

 What strategies you may use to teach students with learning
disabilities in your classes?
Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answers on the space

1. Research on heuristic and algorithm methods of problem-solving.

How do they differ? Which is more conceptual in approach?
Which are more constructivists?
 An algorithm is a sequence of instructions for solving a problem that
are explicitly stated to arrive at a solution while heuristics entails using
a learning and discovery strategy. A problem-solving algorithm is a
series of instructions that are well specified. To arrive at a solution,
heuristics entails taking a learn-by-doing strategy. So utilize an
algorithm if it is about solving a problem. Heuristics are useful while
developing a solution.

2. Someone said “I believe the ‘supermarket curriculum’ the fashion

which says” if you can’t use it in the supermarket, let’s not teach
it,’ is the biggest influence in the decline in mathematics skills
and knowledge in the past ten years. And the tendency is to say:
‘if it’s too hard, let’s postpone teaching it”/ React to these
statements. Share your reactions.
 I totally disagree with the statement because it is not the right thing to
do, which can oppress a privilege to someone’s wanted to learn about
math or other stuffs just due of her/her difficulty on comprehending .
Even me myself, I admit the fact that I am not that smart when it comes
to math, I also deal hard time with this subject but on the other side I
still pursuing to learn more and try harder to develop my knowledge in
mathematics. Moreover, difficulties cannot be avoided but the word
itself proves that we have to learn more and considered it as
opportunity to develop problem solving skills.

3. Which is easier to use: concept attainment, concept formation

strategy or direct instructions? Why?
 For me it must be direct instruction, because direct instruction (lecture,
demonstration) is fast, when it works. It does not take as much
preparation for the instructor. It does not have the costs associated
with other methods. It has a lot of disadvantages. It assumes
competence in prerequisite knowledge. There’s not as much
opportunity for informal assessment. Students may lack skills required
to capture all the information being presented. It tends to ignore some
key phases of instruction. It usually doesn’t go very far in depth of
knowledge. It almost never differentiates instruction. You can
propagate errors to your students by accident. It’s traditional for college
classrooms and large sections. It’s important that students be
comfortable with direct instruction, since they see a lot of it in college.

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