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Sandeep Kumar Jain B E Block 4B, 32/72 Jones Road West Saidapet, Chennai-15 +91-9791124562, 04443523315 b.sandeepkumarjain@gmail.

com 10th September, 2011 Dear HR Kone Corporation Dear Sir, I am a Graduate from College of Engineering, Anna University. I have taken courses in Manufacturing, Mechanical Design and Industrial Management. I am excited to work in Caterpillar which is a global leader in its business. Based on my work and educational experience, and perhaps more importantly because of my interest and enthusiasm, I think I am well suited to pursue a career in Caterpillar. I believe some necessary abilities a candidate must have include exceptional communication skill, technical skill leadership skills, Interpersonal skill and I believe that I have the required skills. I am confident that I can bring my strong, diverse technical and business background to best fit the current needs and future ventures of Caterpillar. I enclose my resume for your review and would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely Sandeep Kumar Jain B

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