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Ayurveda have different types of weight management schemata.

In Vedic age we have put that in a table of how to attain the goal, it goes like this:

We will be following this schemata, the total number of sessions you will be availing will be 12+15=27 sessions. Each session has duration of 1 hour each, effectively making it to 27 hours. It would be ideal if you complete the Ayurveda session in 12-16 days and since the yoga sessions are only present during the weekends (Saturday) you can do certain sessions and then complete the course once you return from your holidays. But it would be ideal to follow a regulated diet pattern all the while.



Total number of Actual Price session. 4 (4*40) 160.00

Your price.

Abhyanga(Full body Ayurvedic Therapeutic/Rejuvenativ e Massage) Udwarthan-(Therapeutic Powder Massage) Yoga

1 hour


1 Hour

8 (8*50)



1 hour

15 (15*7)



Grand total for the treatment along with the NHS discount: 120 + 300 + 150 = 525.00. The good thing is you do not need to pay this in advance you can pay it in three installments. NB: With all the Ayurvedic sessions you get a complimentary steam. Please do note that there is an herbal weight management product (Ayurslim) which is a tablet you need to take in, there is an oil named Lavana Tailam for external Application, these two can be bought at our centre. Diet chart can be charted out with our consultant. I hope this clear your doubts, should you have any more queries please dont hesitate to contact us at 02086908889 between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm.

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