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Unit 1 - Heroes and Villains.

Choose the correct answer.

1. In a small mountain village an old man tells his three sons to go to the Buddha and
discover who is the ______________brother.
2. That brother can have his farm when he dies. The older brothers are ___________to
their youngest brother.
3. 'I can be leader, I am _________________you,' says brother 1. But they get lost and
the youngest brother sees a path.
4. Soon rocks block the way. 'I can move the rocks I'm _______________than you,' says
brother 2.
5. But he can't and the youngest brother clears a path. They get hungry 'I will catch a
rabbit, I am ___________________than you,' says brother 2.
6. But he can't and the youngest brother makes a vegetable stew. A bear blocks their path
'I can fight the bear,' says the oldest brother 'I am ___________________you'. But he
can't and the youngest brother plays sad music and calms the bear. The Buddha
decides the youngest brother is the wisest and he can have his father's farm.

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