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Advanced 1, Units 1-4

Practice Exam 2
Circle the mistake in each sentence and put the correction on the line to the right.

1. Laura is nice who teaches at CEC. __Laura is a nice woman who…

2. I like sociable people who is easy to talk to. _________________________
3. It hates me when a cell phone rings in class. _________________________
4. Direct a movie sounds fascinating. _________________________
5. I am interested to open a restaurant. _________________________
6. Being a dentist is more bored than being a doctor. _________________________
7. A nurse is more studied than a taxi driver. _________________________
8. Mary has as much students as Andrea. _________________________
9. Firefighters as earns as policemen. _________________________
10. I hate easygoing people who you can’t rely on. _________________________

Requests with modals, if clauses, and gerunds:

Complete the sentence with the correct request.

1. You want to leave class early.

I wonder if I could leave class early today. __________
2. You want to borrow a match from a stranger on the street.
Excuse me, is it OK if____________________________
3. You want a coordinator to let you continue onto the next level with probation.
Would it be OK if_______________________________
4. You want to watch a different movie than your brothers.
5. You want to borrow your friend’s sweater.
Do you mind if_________________________________
6. You want a taxi driver to make an extra stop.
Would you mind_______________________________
7. You want your uncle to lend you $200 for the next level of English.
I was wondering if you’d mind____________________
8. You need a friend to lend you his car to take your grandmother to the hospital.
Would you mind if _____________________________

Write one example (complete sentence) to go with each noun.

1. An apology: I offered an apology to my boss because I came late to work for the third time.
2. A phone call: ______________________________________________________________
3. A favor: __________________________________________________________________
4. An invitation: ______________________________________________________________
5. A request: ________________________________________________________________
6. A gift: ____________________________________________________________________
7. A compliment: _____________________________________________________________

Indirect Requests:
Change the direct request to an indirect request.

1. Andrea, pass me the salt. ____________________________________________________

2. Julia, when is the Liga game? _________________________________________________
3. Matt, is this your last cycle at CEC? ____________________________________________
4. Andres, your jacket is on the table. ____________________________________________
5. Laura, I am going to be late to the exam. ________________________________________
6. Scott, where do you live? ___________________________________________________
7. Mary, do you have a cigarette? ______________________________________________
Advanced 1, Units 1-4

Past Continuous vs. Simple Past:

Write sentences using the two verbs.

1. (open, rain) When I opened the window, it was raining outside.____________________

2. (walk, see) _____________________________________________________________
3. (run, fall) ______________________________________________________________
4. (hit, fight) _____________________________________________________________
5. (talk, write) ____________________________________________________________

Past Perfect:
Write sentences with the same verbs in the last section, but using Past Perfect instead of past continuous
or simple past.

1. I had already opened the window when it started to rain.______________

2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________

Past Continuous, Simple Past, and Past Perfect:

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense of the verb in parentheses.

One morning while I _____________ (come) to work, I ___________ (see) a terrible car
accident along the Occidental Avenue. Everyone on the bus ____________ (be) shocked to see the
ambulances and police. I _________ (be) afraid to see what ________________ (happen) so I
____________ (try) not to look. But curiosity got the better of me and I _____________ (look). The
paramedics ___________________ (perform) CPR on a man who _______________ (have) a lot of
blood around his head. I _____________ (think) that perhaps it ______________ (be) too late to save
him. It ______________ (look) like someone __________________ (cross) the street in the middle and
a car __________________ (ran) over him. Then, I think, the cars behind the first car ___________ (hit)
them. It ______________ (be) a terrible mess! I _____________ (want) to help, but our bus
____________ (go) by so fast!

Read each of the following stories and decide which vocabulary word goes best with each story.
Coincidence Disaster Emergency Lucky break
Misfortune Mystery Predicament Triumph

1. The other day, I was over at Carolina Park when it started to rain. I wanted to take a bus home,
but I didn’t have a quarter! I looked down, and at my feet there was 25 cents!
Lucky break
2. Christian was studying before the test when his girlfriend told him that she really needed him to
take her to the hospital to visit her mother. If he took her to the hospital, he would miss the test!
He didn’t know what to do. Misfortune
3. When Vanessa came home from English class the other day, no one was in her house and the
windows were all open. She asked her neighbors if anything strange had happened, but no one
knew anything. She closed the windows and started to watch TV. When her family came home
hours later, they said they had left the windows closed. No one knew how the windows were
opened. Mystery
4. The tsunami that destroyed many islands in the Pacific was a real Disaster
5. Finally, after months of training, Sebastian ran the Quito Metropolitan Marathon and came in
first place for his age group. Triumph
6. Byron was studying for his English test and Coffee Tree on Sunday and he couldn’t understand
one grammar point. He looked up and sitting at the next table was Mary! It was such a
Coincidence that she was studying as well and knew exactly how to explain the grammar to help
7. When the volcano erupted in Baños, Fernanda and Luis didn’t know what to do. But quickly the
whole town sprang to action, helping the hurt people and diverting the mudslide away from the
town. Emergency 
Advanced 1, Units 1-4

8. The night before the exam, Alejandro was studying at his home when he got a phone call from a
friend saying that another friend had been in a car accident. Alejandro rushed the hospital and
spent the evening with his friend. Unfortunately, he failed his English exam the next day
because he didn’t sleep at all the night before and never finished studying. _________________

Beyond UFO Abductions

Sherry Jamison (pseudonym) worked first as a real-estate agent, then later returned to school,
earned a degree and became a licensed therapist. She has been married for many years and has a full-
grown child. She is both humble and dignified, with a quick wit and a positive outlook on life. Looking
at her, you would never guess that she has had many bizarre experiences with extraterrestrials.
Sherry’s first experience occurred when she was only eight. She lived with her parents in rural
New Jersey. One night in the early 1950s, Sherry awoke to find herself outside her home, standing in a
nearby field. She had no idea how she got there, but looking up, she saw a small, metallic, saucer-shaped
craft hovering above her. It instantly swooped down and sent down a beam of light directly on her. Says
Sherry, “The craft went into a very big craft…but what happened was, it put its light on me. I remember
running along the fence, trying to get away from it…I remember running along the fence and this craft
was chasing me. I was trying to duck down and this craft was chasing me…I was running and falling,
running and falling.” The next thing Sherry realized, the craft had struck her with the beam of light and
she was lifted aboard. “It was like a flashlight. It was a very strong beam because I went right up into the
craft. My sensation of fear left me. I was so afraid when it was chasing me.” At that point, Sherry
remembered nothing but waking up the next morning. At first she thought it had been a strange dream,
but she realized that she had a different outfit on from when she went to bed, and her clothes were
inexplicably dirty. Whatever had happened, it wasn’t a dream.
As she grew up, Sherry began to have bizarre nighttime experiences, half-remembered dreams
and recollections of grey-type aliens standing around her bed. She began to awaken with unusual marks
and scars on her body. Over a period of years, she slowly began to connect her experiences and
wondered if she was one of those people labeled as UFO contactees.
Extract from

1. Describe the kind of person Sherry is.

2. How old was Sherry when she was first abducted by U.F.O.’s?

3. Describe how Sherry felt before and after the abduction.

4. What other experiences has Sherry had since the first one?

5. Think about the word “bizarre.” What are some things you consider bizarre?

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