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Advanced 1 / Quiz #1

Name: _Yanez Arley_____________________________Score: 7.5 / 15 = 1/2 STUDY, PLEASE!

I. Circle the correct word. Then join the sentences using

relative pronoun (who or that). 0.5 /5
1. I’d prefer a (stingy / sociable / temperamental) girlfriend. I can go out with
her on weekends.
I’d prefer a sociable girlfriend. I can go out with her on weekends. -0.5

2. Mary is a (supportive / egotistical / intolerant) teacher. She always listens to

her students concerns.
Mary is a supportive teacher. She always listens to her students concerns. -1
Mary is a supportive teacher WHO always listens to her students concerns.

3. We don’t like (egotistical / considerate / encouraging) people. We don’t feel

comfortable with them.
We don’t like egotistical people WHO We don’t feel comfortable with them. -1

4. I wish I had a (beautiful / generous / stingy) boyfriend. He would always give

lots of affection.
I wish I had a beautiful boyfriend WHO would always give lots of affection. -1

5. My best friend is a very (easygoing / sociable / unreliable) person. I never

know if she is going to do what she promised.
My best friend is a very unreliable person WHO I never know if she is going to
do what she promised. -1

II. Finish the sentences with your own information. 5/5

1. I am a reliable student who are friends__________________.

2. I like teachers who are didactic ___________________________________.

3. I wish my parents were people who had time to spend at home __________.

4. My ideal boss is someone that is a good leader________________________.

5. My favorite soccer team is one loves his shirt when he is playing. _________.

III. Make comparisons using the examples given 2/5

 A doctor works 50 hours per week and a teacher 40 hours per week.
Working as a doctor has more responsibilities than begin teacher
 Gardeners have many working hours outside, but an engineer has a few hours
working as a gardener has more difficulty than being an engineer -1
 Being a lawyer is simple, but being a president of a country is difficult.
working as a lawyer is less stressful than being a president
 A nurse is paid $1.500 per month and a doctor is paid $ 3.000 a month.
working as a nurse has more responsibility than being a doctor -1
 A mechanic isn`t educated, but a dentist is very educated.
working as a mechanic has more difficulty than being a dentist -1

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