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Application letter This application letter concerns the part-time position as advertised on Part Time Faculty Opennings on Augusta

State Univirsity online. I am interested in this position, because I believe that my education and my talent to transfer what I know can benefit the students of the Music Department of Augusta State University. Furthermore, I wish to show that Musicology is a valid field, which needs more students and more researches, as we the scholars, develop more contexts, in which musicology as a field can be further developed. While in Germany, I passed the state exam in Latin, which is extremely relevant to During the course of my Maste studies at the Heidelbergs University, Germany, I have worked in particular on the Venitian instrumental music of 16 c, Josquen des Prez and his Motetts, Haydn and his String Quartets, and Leonard Bernstein, the Symphonies. Early programmatic Music in the works of Froberger. I am also ready to teach early notation as a course, and use of Latin in the early motets and church music. These are the areas, I can already recommend

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