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Summary of the Book:

Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny go visit Joe and Amy Lightfeather,who live on a Navajo Indian reservation. The Alden children learn of a buried tribal village. A real estate company is planning on building houses over the village unless the Boxcar Children can prove that the village exists. They find many artifacts such as a bowl and arrowheads. The Aldens and Lightfeathers use the artifacts to prove that the village exists to the council which saves the village.

Top 10 Reasons to Read This Book:

1. Part of mystery series. 2. Great adventure book. 3. Learned about the Navajo Indians reservation. 4. Interesting artifacts. 5. Learned about Pow Wow. 6. Learned how the Navajo Indians cooked their food. 7. Learned about the Appaloosa Horses. 8. Solved a crime. 9. Saved a tribal village. 10. Was fun to read!

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