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Budapest Toastmasters Executive Committee Meeting Agenda

Time: Wednesday August 24

Location: Sikeigaiancia Kft. 9 Buuapest Tzolto utca 9. (

Attendees: Anna Laszlo, Istvan Szurop, Balazs Kuzsel, Imre Pakozdi, Attila Szabo, Peter Fekete,
David Saddington, Hans Peterson, Andras Barath
Absent: Istvan GraIjodi, Bea Bince

Item # 1op|c Responsible Deadline

Opening, wrap-up from officer training including
confirmation of annual targets. Review minutes from
previous meeting.

Andras noted that the discussion oI a shared vision Ior the
club, which has started at the oIIicer training, will be
Iacilitated at a later date.

The annual targets discussed at the oIIicer training have been
conIirmed by the EXCO:

O #ecruiting 80 new members
O #aise membership Irom 58 to 80
O 0 new Competent Communicators
O 5 new advance awards
O 5 new leadership awards

The oIIicer training will be repeated in the autumn by Iocusing
on the diIIerent role contents.

The previous minutes have been reviewed and good progress
has been noted on the agreed actions.




30 Sept

30 May

5 Nov

Collecting statistics on meeting attendance and progress in
the educational and leadership program.

Balazs has already started collecting and consolidating
statistics on meeting attendance and status in the educational




The objective oI the statistics is Ior the VP membership to be
able to contact members who missed 5 meetings and VP
leadership to remind members who have not given a speech in
2 months.

An attendance Iorm is to be circulated by the Toastmasters
during meetings then to be passed on to Balazs. He will make
sure that this happens on Monday and Thursday meetings and
other committee members to ensure that it happens on
Tuesday morning meetings too.

Balazs to share attendance sheet template with the EXCO
members via email.

Peter Fekete is also monitoring progress on the leadership
track. Balazs and Peter to meet on discussion whether a single
data collection process is Ieasible.

Committee is to review the statistics on EXCO meetings

Balazs / Anna



Balazs / Peter



International rebranding and its local implications (e.g.
our web design, stationery, email- and letterheads).

There has been an intensive discussion on whether to Iollow
the new international design or not. It has been decided that we
are going to use the new design on our website and on email
and agenda templates. We are not going to change the banner

David has been asked to adopt the new design to the website.

Istvan Szurop will make sure that the new branding identity
will be used in Iuture communications


Istvan Szurop

30 Sept
Update on October conference, budget, resource needs

Peter gave an update on the conIerence.
Venue is the Merlin Theatre, the Iocus oI the event is
entertainment. There will be a humorous speech contest, and a
table topics contest.

Attendance is Iree Ior members and their Iriends; nominal Iee
might be set Ior outsiders. The costs will be absorbed by the
club: rental Iee: HUF 80 000,-; Alexis Latham (a trainer and
stand-up comedian): HUF 25 000.-. ProIessional DJ is a must,
Istvan oIIered to ask his Canadian-Hungarian Iriend.
Attendance: Iree Ior actual Iellows (members) and Iriends,
nominal Iee Ior outsiders.

All attendees should register in advance.

Peter and Atis

30 Sept
Balazs`s suggestion has been approved that there will be a
competition Ior those bringing the most guests to the

Increasing the membership fee to match the raise by
Toastmasters International. Fees have been raised from
$ to $ per semester.

Based on an agreement with Istvan GarIjodi as Treasurer
Andras suggested that the club also raises the membership Iee
by 33 to HUF 2.000 per semester. He noted that the club
has already absorbed a large chunk oI the new member Iee
raise Irom $5 to $20 that happened in March. Following a
Iierce debate (where some members suggested to raise the Iee
to HUF 0 000 only), the EXCO agreed to the increase to
HUF 2.000 as oI October 20 one member (Atis)
abstained Irom voting, everyone else voted with Yes.

Andras to communicate the membership Iee increase as part oI
a president`s email message opening the autumn season.


9 Sept

Fine tuning of the website - review any additional change

David has been asked to Iind ways to make to news section
more prominent on the home page. Better visibility oI the
articles will help raise awareness oI the October conIerence
and similar events.

In the Iuture the club will use MailChimp replacing
GoogleGroups as the email communication tool with the wider
membership. Istvan and David to start operating the new


Istvan / David

9 Sept

9 Sept

Update on a meeting with ExxonMobil sponsor raising the
attendance of the meetings among their employees

Balazs shared an update on the meeting with Toastmasters
new sponsor at ExxonMobil, #ana #azzaque. Long term
desire Ior ExxonMobil is to establish their own Toastmasters
club. But beIore that could happen the most important task is
to raise attendance oI meetings.

The immediate next step is to organize a Iree lunch break
demo session where employees could get to know


30 Sept
Update from Anna Laszlo on meeting with Mary Murphy,
Peter Temesvary and Peter Fekete on

Anna shared an update on the meeting. The main outcome oI
the meeting is a workshop to be held on 9

dedicated to evaluations. The EXCO supported the initiative.


9 Sept

It has been accepted that anyone could be an evaluator aIter
completing Project 6 but attendance oI the workshop is

Evaluation workshops should be held in every halI year.


If time allows: review Toastmasters meeting protocols:
agenda, name tags, leadership track evaluations, briefing
people on meeting roles and expectations

Protocol oI the regular meetings: a special session to be held
on the subject on Sept 6 at 6:00 pm at Hans`s place. Involved:
Anna, Hans, Imre, Atis. The sub-committee will share its
suggestions at next EXCO meeting.


2 Sept
Any other business:

A speech marathon to be organized Ior end oI September /
beginning oI October. Anna can decide on putting a new
speech marathon in place as she sees Iit based on the number
oI speech applications and a busy schedule.

Next EXCO meeting to be held on 2 Sept., 6:00 8:00 pm at
Andras`s oIIice



30 Sept

2 Sept

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