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SYLLABUS for 7th GRADERS - CHINESE CLASS - Carolina International School Instructor: Mr. Qian Wu E-mail: wuq@ciscomets.

com Website: TEXTBOOK: Ni Hao I CURRICULUM: The following topics will be covered: Self-Introduction, Greetings, Numbers, Pets, Possessions, Family Members, Nationalities, Sports, and Chinese Dishes. CLASS EXPECTATIONS: 1. Arrive to class on time and in your seat, ready to work. You will be considered tardy five minutes after class begins. 2. Bring all necessary materials to class including supplies and completed assignments. 3. Resolve personal issues before class. To leave the class, you will have to obtain a hall pass. Only one student may leave the classroom at a time. 4. Be an active learner. Listen carefully and raise your hand to answer and ask questions. 5. If you are absent from class, please contact me to make up class notes and assignments. One week will be given to complete missed work. 6. All work should be finished on time. Any extensions should be approved beforehand. 7. Respect the teacher, other students and yourself. 8. Clean up around your area after the end of each class. 9. Consequences for rule-breaking: 1st time -- verbal warning 2nd time -- seating arrangement 3rd time -- lunch detention 4th time -- administrative referral

GRADING POLICY: 50% --- Tests, Quizzes 30% --- Projects 20% --- Homework, Participation SUPPLIES: Pencils, pens, two (2) 1-subject notebooks, colored pencils, glue sticks CONTACT: If you have any questions, you may email me at I will also update my website, regularly with assignments and announcements.

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