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Praxiological Principles:

Sometimes the things that don’t need to be said need to be said the most!

Dino Cevolati MSc.

0. Doing:
Every thing-done is done by some-one(s) and some-thing(s).
Deeds are events contributed to by both organismic and environmental processes.

1. Nesting:
The doing of one thing is the doing of many things.
Distinct Deeds are constituted of both common and uncommon sets of events.

2. Cycling:
The more a thing is done the more it is involved in the doing of other things.
Deeds contribute to both the recurrence and non-recurrence of similar deeds.

3. Scheduling:
A balance is needed between doing things and doing things to the doing of things.
Composite Deeds both regulate and dissociate from component Deeds.

Deeds are specified by events within processes (sets of events).
Heteronomous (other-governed, i.e., **).
Autonomous (self-governing, i.e., **).
Some of which are distinct deeds.
The ‘winning of a race’ is done when the ‘first person crosses the finish-line’!
The ‘being first in a race’ is done when ‘a person is in front of all other competitors’.
The ‘driving of a car’ is also the ‘consumption of fuel, pollution of air, hastening of
arrival’, etc.
The more you spend the less you save!

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