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Why the New Covenant is better than the Old Covenant
Old Covenant
God's commands and regulations There were 613 commands to regulate Israel's existence The Ministry of Death, the Ministry of Condemnation, the Ministry that is passing away Ministry becomes this when used as a means of obtaining rightoeousness

Dan Rude 9/10/11

2. The new covenant deals with our heart problem [2 Corinthians 3:12-16]
As long as we are trying to be made right on our own, the veil remains over our hearts, separating us from God People refuse to admit their moral bankruptcy

New Covenant [Jeremiah 31:33-34, Ezekiel 36]

Entirely wrapped up in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ New heart, new spirit

Have you come to the realization that you are morally bankrupt and you need a savior?
A growing Christian is honest about their place before God

Paul was bold for the gospel [2 Corinthians 3:12]

The key about boldness is having some convictions about the gospel, that it is really true

3. Under the new covenant, we are transformed [Romans 8:28-29]

Who will live your life? The Spirit of God, or you? We must die, so the Spirit of God may be seen in us - put yourself to death so the life of Christ may live in you [2 Corinthians 3:17-18]

1. The new covenant deals with our legal problem [2 Corinthians 3:7-11]
Sin is our legal problem before a holy Gof. We are morally bankrupt - we are so far in the hole we can never get out. We are criminals, God is the judge of the world.
Humans generally have a basic understanding that there is something very wrong with humanity We put so much time and energy into justifying ourselves meaninglessness is an instrument of freedom from morality The punishment for sin is hell He (Jesus) became sin/unrighteousness [1 Peter 3:18; Romans 5:17; 2 Corinthians 3:7-11] Jesus paid for all of the consequences of all of my sin

1. You will become what you behold [Exodus 34:28-30]
Spend time in the presence of God We don't have a mountain with God's physical presence, but we have God's word and God's Spirit We imitate what we see The last week/moth, what have you filled your mind with?

God deals with our legal problem

2. You change bit by bit over time

This is a process, you will fail and make mistakes Be patient with yourself and other believers The name of the game is endurance

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