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Lesson One Worksheet (sample)

Question 1: What are the numbers that are used after each syllable and what tones they mark? Answer: _____________________________________________ Question 2: What is the neutral tone? Answer: _____________________________________________

Situational dialogs:
Please fill in the blanks with the correct answer: Dialog 1 A. n[ih[ao) B. ( )

Dialog 2 A. ( ) B. w[oh[enh[ao), xi]]exi]e). Dialog 3 A. n[ih[aoma?) B. w[oh[enh[ao), xi]exi]e), ( A. w[oy[eh[enh[ao)


Words to choose: a) (n[ih[ao), b) h[enh[ao), c) z]aiji]an), d)h[ao), e) n[ih[aoma?), f) y[e), b)ma), g)h[aoj[iub>uji]an), h) n[ine?)

************************************************************************ Answers: ( To be announced by me in each next lesson, this is just a sample) Answer 1: 1,2,3,4. 1-is used for the 1st tone, 2-for the 2nd tone, 3- for the 3rd tone and 4for the 4th tone. Answer 2: When the syllable is unstressed and there is no tone mark after it, it is pronounced in the neutral tone. Correct answers for the situational dialogs Dialog 1---a), Dialog 2---e), Dialog3---h) If you want to receive the transcripts and worksheets for each lesson, you have to become a subscribed user. For more information please refer to subscription information on my Website. We will use standard Chinese tone symbols (< a , > a , [ a , ] a ) to mark Chinese tones: a1=< a , a2=> a, a3=[ a, a4-] a .

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