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Habakkuk Week 2

Day 1
*What Scriptures did you read in your time alone with God today?

*What has God impressed upon your heart today?

1. Read Habakkuk 1:5-11.

Memory VerseOur memory verse this week is Habakkuk 1:5. We will be writing it and memorizing it in the NASB version of the Bible. Remember that you can use if you do not have a copy of that version. Before writing the verse in the NASB version, look at it in The Message. It sets an appropriate tone for this week of study.

Look around at the godless nations. Look long and hard. Brace yourself for a shock. Somethings about to take place and youre going to find it hard to believe.1

1 Peterson, E. H. (2002). The Message : The Bible in contemporary language (Hab 1:5). Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress. 2

Write out Habakkuk 1:5 in the NASB version of the verse.

2. Look closely at verse 1:5. What are your initial thoughts on this verse?

One of the first things you may notice about the verse is the fact that God answers Habakkuk. Habakkuk prayed and God replies. Its part of being in conversation, part of being in relationship You may talk to the Lord quite often, but have you listened for a reply from Him? God answers prayer. Do you believe that? Do you know that to be true? 3. Read Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 & Psalm 5:3 What does the Word of God say about listening?

Are you prepared for Him to answer it differently then how you may have prayed or expected? The Lord seems to always have something different in mind than we have remember Isaiah 55:9.

Often we are in the habit of talking to the Lord, but are not as mindful to actually listen. Its difficult to actually be still and wait to hear something. Today you will need a timing device a timer, stopwatch, kitchen buzzer something of that nature. For the next 12 minutes, put yourself on the clock. Just be still. Wait. Listen. See if the Lord has a word for you. Hope and expect to hear from Him. When your timer goes off, write down what you experienced on the lines below.

4. Reread Habakkuk 1:5. God answers prayer in big, mighty, majestic, quiet, loud, powerful, amazing ways. Ask the Lord to give you a heart to hear and trust His words.

Verse 5 shows that God is already at work. Look, observe, be astounded. The word look implies that there is something going on that can actually be seen. Something noticeable, alarming perhaps was underway. Most likely, Habakkuk knew of the current events. He probably didnt realize that these events were the answer to his prayers. God had already been working. Habakkuk was about to understand how the concerns of his heart and the events of his time would converge.

In your time of listening, what did God reveal to you about areas in your own life where He is already at work?

JournalWhat has the Lord shown you today as you have studied His Word? Be sure to discuss at least one verse in particular.

Day 2
*What Scriptures did you read in your time alone with God today?

*What has God impressed upon your heart today?

1. Read Habakkuk 1:5-11.

Memory VerseWrite out Habakkuk 1:5 (NASB).

2. Look closely at verses 1:6. What are your initial thoughts on this verse?

Who were the Chaldeans? Some of your translations use the name Babylonians instead. You may also find that the names are used interchangeably. The Chaldeans were the group of people that lived in the region of Babylon. They were notorious for their swiftness in conquering other lands and their ruthless character. According to the NASB Life Application Study Bible, the Chaldeans were a people who lived northwest of the Persian Gulf and made a rapid rise to power around 630 B.C. They began to assert themselves against the Assyrian Empire, and by 605 B.C. had conquered Assyria and Egypt to become the strongest world power. But they were as wicked as the Assyrians, for they loved to collect prisoners (1:9), were proud of their warfare tactics (1:10), and trusted in their military strength (1:11).

It appears as though the answer to Habakkuks endless petitions to the Lord was Judah being conquered by a wicked, fierce, and godless people. Shocking, I would guess. Remember The Message version of 1:5- brace yourself?

3. Do you think that is the answer that Habakkuk anticipated? What do you think he had been expecting?

4. Do you think he realized that while he had been praying and praying, the Lord had already begun answering those prayers as He was in the process of raising up a wicked empire? Consider again the things that you have been praying for waiting on Have you come to a place of peace with however God chooses to answer your prayers?

5. Read Romans 8:28. What are your thoughts on God using all things for His glory?

Journal What has the Lord shown you today as you have studied His Word? Be sure to discuss at least one verse in particular.

Day 3
*What Scriptures did you read in your time alone with God today?

*What has God impressed upon your heart today?

1. Read Habakkuk 1:5-11.

Memory Verse Write out Habakkuk 1:5 (NASB).

2. Look closely at verse 1:7. What are your initial thoughts on the passage?

3. Why would the second half of verse 7 be especially concerning? Why is it important that humans' authority and justice NOT originate with themselves?

When the barometer for moral standards lies in the heart of sinful humanity rather than the absolute, righteous heart of God, the outcome is always terrifying and destructive. The irony of this particular situation is that the character of the Chaldean people (the way they were acting) was where Judah was headed as a nation. We know from Habakkuk 1:1-4 that Judah had begun replacing the authority of God with their own ways. They would be conquered by the type of people, the Chaldeans, which they, themselves, were turning into. Though followed by a long list of fearsome attributes describing the Chaldeans, verse 7 quite possibly is the most alarming. It must be noted and evaluated in each of our lives.

4. In what ways do you default to having justice and/or authority originate with yourself?

5. Read Romans 13:1. What does Gods word say about who truly has and gives authority (whether they realize it or not)?

6. Read Ephesians 1:20-21. Who REALLY has ultimate authority in your life? What does this mean to you? What does it look like in your life?

7. Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-17. How does this truth play out in your life?

What has the Lord shown you today as you have studied His Word? Be sure to discuss at least one verse in particular.

Day 4
*What Scriptures did you read in your time alone with God today?

*What has God impressed upon your heart today?

1. Read Habakkuk 1:5-11. Memory Verse Write out Habakkuk 1:5 (NASB).

2. Look closely at verses 1:8-11a. What are your initial thoughts on the passage?

The Chaldeans sound horrific. It's interesting that the Lord has appointed the most ruthless, wicked nation of the time to rebuke Judah. Judah has opted for violence among its inhabitants therefore Babylonias violence will be its punishment. The punishment fits the sin. Though this section of Scripture seems particularly harsh, we know that this ultimately is an act of love on the Lords part. The people of Judah are Gods chosen people. They have been shown great favor. They have been led out of bondage. They have been given Gods law. They have been given a land and established there. They know Gods ways. Over time, though, they have drifted. They have been warned, but they have gone in their own direction. How often are we guilty of the same exact thing? The good news is that the Lord loves us enough to not let us go. He loved Judah enough to not let them turn into the Chaldeans. Discipline is an act of mercy. It is an act of love. 3. Read Hebrews 12:4-11. While you read this passage, consider the Lord's utilization of discipline toward us. Why is this an act of love? Is there anything going on in your


life right now that you have been warned about? Ask the Lord to show you. Write a prayer asking Him to show you areas in your life that are out of order. Respond to what He shows you.

As you read about sin and punishment, it may sometimes be difficult to decipher when difficult times are an act of refinement or discipline or simply a time that the Lord has ordained to draw you closer to Himself.

Not all hard times are manifestations of God's discipline. Ask the Lord to give you clarity in your circumstances. If youre being disciplined, repent and ask for forgiveness and appreciate that the Lord loves you enough to let you experience consequences instead of spiritual death. If your difficult experiences are not discipline, try to appreciate that the Lord has given you an opportunity to draw closer to him. No matter the reason for your difficult circumstances, read Psalm 37. Which verses in this chapter give you particular comfort as you walk through difficult times?

Journal What has the Lord shown you today as you have studied His Word? Be sure to discuss at least one verse in particular.


Day 5
*What Scriptures did you read in your time alone with God today?

*What has God impressed upon your heart today?

1. Read Habakkuk 1:5-11. Memory Verse Write out Habakkuk 1:5 (NASB).

2. Look closely at verses 1:11b. What are your initial thoughts on the passage?

The New Living Bible translates this portion of the verse in this way - but they are deeply guilty, for their own strength is their god.

How easy is it to elevate the importance of our own strength? How often do we live as if we need to rely on our own strength? This must be quite offensive to the Lord as we can see in 1:11b. He says they are deeply guilty for making more of their own strength than they should. It seems as though this must be the natural state of mankind. 3. In what ways do you sometimes make your own strength your god?

4. Read Psalm 20:7. What are some of the chariots that you put your trust in?

As redeemed people, though, we have been given so much more than a pathetic attempt to live by our own strength! According to Philippians 4, we have the power of the resurrection living in us. Strength looks very different and a lot more miraculous in


Gods economy. 5. Read 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. What does the Word say about strength and weakness?

6. Why does the Lord want us to acknowledge our weakness? 7. Why is weakness a blessing?

8. Consider your life right now. As you remember that your weakness puts Gods glory on display, in what ways do you have an opportunity to show off Gods strength and glory?

What has the Lord shown you today as you have studied His Word? Be sure to discuss at least one verse in particular.


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