The Prodigal

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The Prodigal



Krystal Stone

The Prodigal

Contents Prodigal 1 Trix's Life. Prodigal 2 Trorian's Sister. Prodigal 3 Dennis's Wife. Prodigal 4 Dorothea's Mother.

Krystal Stone

The Prodigal

TRIXS LIFE Excuse me, Trix Coldman turned to her right to see a 20-something boy holding out his ear-phone for her. Trix looked at him and took his ear-phone without hesitation. Soft beat music reached her ears. There were some guitar riffs mixed with light drums and a tinge of a classical instrument she couldnt quiet place. She closed her eyes to it. In Subway 210, Train No. 67, a couple or so-it-seemed sat side by side with earphones on and eyes closed. Little did the on lookers know this was the first time the girl and the boy had met. The girl didnt even know the boys name. The train stopped at its destination. Sensing the immobility, the girl and the boy opened their eyes. The girl took the earphone out and handed it back. She stood up, took her things and got off the train without a backward glance. The boy sighed and put both earphones on again; also adjusting himself to see the departing back of the girl who had been sitting next to him a few minutes ago. Her figure turned to a blur when the train gained speed. But he was sure the blurry girl looked towards the train but his eyes could be playing games. He sighed again and before closing his eyes looked around the compartment and saw something beside him on the seat. . Trix Coldman felt like something was missing as she was tucking her coat close. She slowly turned towards the train not quiet able to place what it was that was bothering her. Suddenly she was running towards the train she had forgotten her Eugenia Kims scarf behind. By the time she got close it was too late. She smacked her head hard. It was a gift by her sister. She had taken it off in the train and forgot to put it in her bag. She hoped it was still there when she got on tomorrow. She started walking slowly towards her apartment. It was a chilly night in Chicago and she had just gotten off her evening job. She was studying for her college exams and also working part-time.

Krystal Stone

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