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Object Oriented Programming with Java

Note: - All students have to submit this assignment to the undersigned on or before 7th September 2011.

Q-1 Explain JAVA is Robust and Architectural neutral. Q-2 What is JVM ? Explain its use. Q-3 Explain Byte code and native code. Q-4 Explain Garbage collection with example. Q-5 Explain OOPS principles. Q-6 Explain the advantage of super and this keyword. Q-7 what is wrapper class? Which are the wrapper classes explain. Q-8 What is exception ? Explain the exception handling statements. Q-9 which is the super class of all error and exception classes? Q-10 What is interface ? can interface be extended? Explain with example. Q-11 Explain inheritance with example. Q-12 Does is matter what order catch statements for FileNotFoundException and IOExcepiton are written? Q-13 what is the use of instance of operator? Q-14 Differentiate between
(a) Pass by value and pass by reference explain with example.

(b) Final, Finally and finalize. (c) Type conversion and casting. (d) Static method & abstract method.

Q-15 What is difference between String and StringBuffer class. Explain with example. Q-16 Explain the following methods of Sting and StringBuffer class with examples. Insert , append, concat, equals, compareto, equalIgnorecase, capacity, getChars, getBytes, trim, startwith, endwith, substring, toString, replace Q-17 Explain the Character class functions.

Faculty : Mr. Rajesh Patel

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