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1. This picture depicts a scene of the backyard of a house. 2. There is a family of four taking their dog for a bath.

I think it is probably a weekend and the family is bathing the dog together. 3. A dog leash and a frisbee are placed on the floor, I think they must have just played with the dog. 4. From their facial expressions, I think that they are happy bathing their dog. 5. Each family member has a duty to perform. I think it is a good method as everyone helps out in bathing the dog. 6. In the background, a lady whom I think is the mother, is holding a bowl of milk. I think it is meant for the dog to drink after its bath. 7. In front of the bath tub. There is a young girl holding a towel, getting ready to dry the dog after its bath. In my opinion, I think this is done to prevent the dog from falling ill. 8. Not too far from her, there is a boy squatting besides the bath tub. He is taking a brush to brush the dogs fur to make it clean and tidy. 9. On the other side of the bath tub, a middle-age man whom I think is the father is shampooing the dog. There are two bottles of shampoo or shower gel placed on floor just in front of him. 10. As both the father and son are squatting, I would suggest that they should sit on a stool so as not to strain their legs. 11. Right in the middle, their pet dog is enjoying being served by the family members. If I were the dog, I would feel very lucky as well. 12. All in all, I would say that the family members are very responsible pet owners. If I have a pet, I would take good care of it as well.

Prepared by Darren Mok 6J 2009 Edited by Mr Tan BS

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