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Comma Rule 2: Use commas to separate adjectives.

Use a comma to separate two or more adjectives that describe the same noun. For example: Llamas are smart, kind creatures. Ask yourself, do the adjectives work together to describe the noun? Does the sentence still make sense if you replace the comma with the word and? If it makes sense to use the word and then insert a comma. For instance: I will go into the small (and) cramped room. And makes sense in the sentence so you should use a comma. I will go into the small, cramped room. If it doesnt make sense to use the word and then you should not use a comma. For instance: The powerful (and) summer sun beat down upon them. And does not make sense in the sentence so you should not use a comma. The powerful summer sun beat down upon them.

Now you try!

Directions: Read each sentence. Put commas in the correct places in each sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, write OK next to it. 1. It was a dark stormy night. 2. Never before had Esmeralda seen such a tall handsome man. 3. I have an old warm quilt on my bed. 4. Try some of my simply delicious coffee! 5. The big gray dog wouldnt stop barking last night.

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