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Guideline to Prevent of Anemia

Anemia occurs when blood does not have enough red cells or when the blood does not have enough hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is found inside RBCs which normally carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Anemia leads to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in organs. Normal level of hemoglobin in a healthy person : For Males: 12-16 gms/100ml For Females: 12-14 gms/100ml Note: Any patient having hemoglobin less than 10 gms should not donate his/her blood

Signs and Symptoms:

Fatigue Weakness Fainting Breathlessness Heart Palpitation(Rapid or irregular Heart beating) Dizziness Headache Ringing in the ears Difficulties in sleeping Difficulties in concentrating

1. Deficiency of Iron: Which can be due to Loss of iron due blood loss Poor absorption of iron from the diet Low iron diet

2. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 :Which can be due to impaired ability of the digestive system to absorb Vitamin B12( B12 is essential for the production of RBC) 3. Folic Acid deficiency: Which is due to inadequate intake of Folic acid in Diet.

Prevention from Anemia:

Diet rich in iron ,Vitamin B12 & Folic Acid to be taken regularly.

1. Iron rich foods are:

Whole grains Green leafy vegetables Beans Dry fruits Sea Foods Liver 2. Vitamin B12 Rich foods are: 1. Diary Products 2. Meat 3. Fish 3. Folic Acid rich foods are: 1. Fresh green leafy vegetables 2. Mushroom 3. Beans 4. yeast

Treatment of Anemia:
Is to be taken with the consultation of your Doctor which includes: 1. Iron tablets or injection 2. Vitamin B12 tablets or injections 3. Folic Acid tablets or injections

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