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AMERICAN LITERATURE HISTORICAL ANALYSIS PAPER STEPS 1-3 Assignment: Write a researched argument in which you explore an approved

text and discuss issues from the historical/political/social context of your text and argue how the author was influenced by historical events and how that influence is reflected in the text.

STEP 1: Choose a text and a topic and submit for approval to the teacher by OCTOBER 3rd (5 points) STEP 2: Gather sources and annotate them 3+ times each (120 points, due NOVEMBER 18th) Compile a packet of 12 sources total, including the following, which must be labeled as such, in addition to the annotations: 1 critical analysis source written on the approved text 2 physical, print sources (book, magazine, newspaper, journal NOT found electronically--please photocopy relevant excerpt if you cannot include the actual clipping) 1 experience source (radio interview, documentary, personal interview, ecorrespondence, podcast, film) 1 graph, chart, or table 1 non-commercial electronic source (.gov, .edu, .org) Aim for variety, accuracy, relevancy, and timeliness as you search for sources. Remember to find some sources that you disagree with so that you will have sufficient material to address counterarguments. Each source must be annotateda sample annotation will be provided in class. Annotations should include responses to the material, highlighting of quotations you might use in the paper, connections to other sources or information, and clarifying questions or new questions that come up as you read. STEP 3: Create a working bibliography of all 12 sources (60 points, due NOVEMBER 18th) Using MLA format, create a working bibliography of all 12 sources in the packet. Each source cited is worth five pointsbut a point will be deducted for each error in MLA formatting. Well show you how to use an online bibliography generator in class to make your bibliography easier. A few notes about Wikipedia: Wikipedia is a place to start but youll need to delve much deeper in your sources for your argument paper. Im not prohibiting Wikipedia, but you should use all encyclopedia entries responsibly and not rely on them heavily. Further, if you

can make a thoughtful, researched contribution to an existing Wikipedia entry on your topic, I will offer a few extra credit points. Please see me to work out the details on this.

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