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The story is this, Mephibosheth was royalty but he didnt see himself as royalty because of the situations in his

life. When he was just a kid things happened to him that caused him to believe that he was a nobody and all that life had to offer he were crumb's of bread and thats all his mind could preserve. Mephibosheth was born royalty but all he knew was pain and suffering and royalty was no were near his mind. So to cut the long story short this all can be taken analogously to our current Christian walk we were born royalty in Christ but because of the situations around us it is so hard to believe that we can be called the Sons and Daughters of the Most High Living God. When Mephibosheth was found by David and he was told he is to seat and eat on the royal table. For him it could not be so he said, What is thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am? The reply itself tells you how Mephibosheth sees himself. Same as us the Christians we are constantly debuting the fact that we are royal being. Beings of a supernatural nature. All we can preserve in our mind are our current problems, and when God tells us that we are royal, more than a conquerer,the head and not the tail, he even goes to the extent of saying ye are gods, all we can say is serious... To cut the chase, God made a pact with us through Christ just as David and Jonathan did. The convent that David and Jonathan made was a blood covenant, they both cut there hands and put the blood in a cup and each of them drunk from the cup, analogously Jesus shade his blood on the cross for us. You see now. You are more than what you are rite now, let not your situations control you. Thats why I always tell you that you define your own independence you are what you think you are. I could go on and on and on but I think you have a picture now , neee. NDINI VAKO SaNyamugama

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