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Obese parents,
high birth weight, lack of exclusive breastfeeding, low sleep duration, low nutrient-dense dietary pattern, and 4-8 hours/week television watching. Physical size and growth rate

Parents poor judges of overweight children

Overweight parents are less likely to correctly identify their overweight children some mothers perceived smiling, sitting upright, healthy looking skin and hair as more important
mothers of overweight preschool children believe their child is thick believe that children are destined to be certain weight that impossible to change.

Stigmatization Worsens the Problem

children rate overweight peers as less liked & less preferred as friends or playmates than they do normal weight peers or peers with other handicaps.
the cultural stereotype that fat is bad was pervasive. overweight adolescents are isolated and peripheral to social network Families show their stigmatization through teasing.

Why Fight Fat Discrimination

intolerance of fat bodies raises the risk of making overweight children fatter Actually exacerbating poor eating & physical activity pattern.
being tease about body weight is consistently associated with depressive symptoms and thoughts of suicide.

Solving the questions

treat them with sensitivity, compassion, & the conviction that obesity is an important, chronic medical problem that can be treated. caregivers can learn to use negotiation skills with young children to nurture & set boundaries about food behavior & physical activity. create & disseminate innovative channels & programs that focus on developmental & social functioning outcomes to improve child health selected movies & innovative television programs provide opportunities to see, feel, & discuss ways to think about & appreciate the diversity of body sizes.

problem with children can better solved by connecting on their level. the family dynamic of reading together provides a way to both to think and talk about controversial issues that relate to the whole family.


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