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NAME ________________________________________________ DATE ____________________

Comprehensive World Cultures: FINAL EXAMINATION REVIEW SPRING 2007

MIDTERM EXAMINATION REVIEW. The review is worth up to 40 extra credit points. The extra credit
points will be added to the final examination point score. The review may be used as a resource for 15 minutes
during the final examination period ONLY IF IT IS COMPLETE. Incomplete reviews will receive pro-rated
extra credit points, but may NOT be used during the examination period. Even if ONE term is not identified,
the review will be considered incomplete. Identifications do not have to be in complete sentences, but must be
thorough and complete.

All work on this review must be your own. No extra credit will be given for copied work.
You will not be able to use a copied review as a reference during the exam.

Part of the final exam will include questions on a reading from a current events issue. The reading is attached
and is to be read ahead of time. There are no questions on the review to be completed for this reading.

Another part of the final exam will include an essay. You may use the graphic organizer attached to this review
to help you write the essay during the exam period. Use of the graphic organizer is voluntary, but highly
recommended! It does not count as part of the final exam review, but it will be checked before you can use it.
Only information directly related to the essay can be noted on the graphic organizer. If other information is
listed, you will not be able to use the organizer during the exam.

TIME MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATION. Studying for a comprehensive final examination can seem
overwhelming – but it is manageable if you begin two weeks in advance of the exam and do a small part each
night. This is crunch time! You should expect to be putting in more time for each class every night -- because
it is near the end of the marking period and because you need to prepare for final exams. To help you prepare
for the exam, the following schedule is recommended. The schedule is organized so that you complete 30 to 50
terms each night and develop an organizer for your essay. Students who follow this schedule will receive five
extra credit point for each day’s assignment that is completed on time.

Tuesday, May 22 Complete terms # 1-54

Wednesday, May 23 Complete terms # 55-88
Thursday, May 24 Complete terms # 89-121
Friday, May 25 Complete terms #122-156
Saturday, May 27 read the current events article; look up any vocabulary words you do not know
Sunday, May 28 choose your essay topic and begin to work on the graphic organizer
Tuesday, May 29 Complete terms # 157-176
Wednesday, May 30 Complete terms # 177-200
Thursday, May 31 Complete terms # 201-210
Friday, June 1 Complete the graphic organizer for your essay

Depending on the date of your final exam, you should plan to review all terms for 1-2 days before the exam and
go over the graphic organizer for your essay to make sure that you have all the information you need.
PART I. Geography and Culture
1. Geography

2. Location

3. Absolute location

4. Relative location

5. latitude

6. longitude

7. place

8. people-environment interaction

9. movement

10. migration

11. imports

12. exports

13. interdependence

14. region

15. globes

16. map projections

17. Mercator projection

18. Interrupted projection

19. Peters Projection

20. religion

21. monotheism

22. polytheism

23. democracy

24. republic

25. dictatorship

26. traditional economy

27. market economy

28. command economy

29. mixed economy

30. subculture

31. ethnocentrism

32. racism

33. anthropology

34. Robinson Projection

35. Topography

36. major landforms

37. climate zones

38. culture

39. society

40. elements of culture

41. nuclear family

42. extended family

43. beliefs

44. values

45. customs

46. laws

47. language

48. nomads

49. civilization

50. archaeologists

51. nationalism

52. United Nations

53. political maps

54. physical maps

Part II. The Middle East

55. differences in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam

56. Balfour Declaration

57. U.N. Partition Plan of 1947

58. Conflict between Palestinians and Israeli’s is rooted in disagreement over what?

59. Ataturk

60. Islamic Fundamentalism

61. Taliban

62. OPEC

63. Who was the Persian Gulf War (Desert Storm) between?

64. Refugee

65. Intifada

66. Osama Bin Laden

Part III.

67. Nile River

68. How many climate zones does Africa have?

69. Sahara Desert

70. AIDS

71. Pharaoh

72. Berlin Conference

73. Zulu’s

74. Boers

75. Shaka

76. Kinshasa
77. Apartheid

78. Nelson Mandela

79. Zaire

80. Muammar al-Qaddafi

81. “Blackhawk Down”

82. Tutsi and Hutu

83. Robert Mugabe

84. Sierra Leone

85. Sudan

86. Describe the genocide in Rwanda?

87. Describe the situation in Somalia?

88. How did the events of Somalia AFFECT the U.N.’s and the United States situation/position in Rwanda?

Part IV. Europe

89. Major rivers of Europe?

90. Athenian Democracy

91. Socrates

92. Aristotle

93. Alexander the Great

94. Roman Empire

95. Charlemagne

96. Feudalism

97. fief

98. vassal

99. knight


101.Role of the church in European history?

102. Protestant Reformation

103. Martin Luther

104. Absolute Monarch

105. Enlightenment

106. Napoleonic Age?

107. Effects on Europe after World War 1?

108. List some of the dictators in Europe immediately after World War 1?

109. Holocaust

110. Effects on Europe after World War 2?

111. Cold War

112. Marshall Plan

113. European Union

114. NATO

115. Russian Orthodox Church

116. Describe the ethnic diversity in Eastern Europe

117. Bolshevik Revolution

118. Stalin

119. Communism

120. What challenges to democracy does Russia face?

121. Describe the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina

V. South Asia

122. List all the countries that make up South Asia

123. What bodies of water surround South Asia

124. Major Rivers of South Asia

125. Monsoon

126. What country is badly damages by monsoons?

127. Indus Valley

128. Aryans

129. Basic Hindu Beliefs

130. Hindu Sacred Texts

131. Brahman

132. Caste System

133. Basic Buddhist Beliefs

134. Effects of British rule on India

135. Gandhi

136. Salt March

137. Hindu-Muslim Conflict (Pakistan/India, Sri Lanka)

138. What ties Pakistan to the Middle East?

139. What is the United States relationship with India and Pakistan?

VI. Southeast Asia

140. What two bodies of water does mainland Southeast Asia lie between?

141. Climate of Southeast Asia

142. most important crop of Southeast Asia

143. animism

144. earliest world religion to influence Southeast Asia

145. religion of most Filipinos

146. Where most people live in Southeast Asia

147. Emelio Aguinaldo

148. Ferdinand Marcos

149. Ho Chi Minh

150. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

151. Cambodian Genocide

152. Effects of war in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos

153. “The Outback”

154. First European Settlers in Australia

155. Oceania is made up how many islands

156. Aung San Suu Kyi

VII. East Asia

157. Boxer Rebellion

158. Treaty of Nanjing

159. Mao Zedong

160. Chaing Kai-shek

161. Opium War

162. Open Door Policy

163. Taiping Rebellion

164. Revolution of 1911

165. Long March

166. Japanese Invasion

167. Communist Victory

168. Great Leap Forward

169. Cultural Revolution

170. Deng Xiaoping

171. Four Modernizations

172. Conflict in Tibet

173. Chinese Human Rights Violations

174. China/Taiwan Conflict

175. Communism

176. Ring of Fire

177. Tenno Clan

178. Shintoism

179. Kyoto

180. Emperor

181. Shogun

182. Samurai

183. Edo

184. Tokugawa

185. Isolationism

186. Bushido

187. Seppuku

188. Commodore Perry

189. Treaty of Kanagawa

190. Meiji Restoration (Accomplishments)-

191. Hirohito

192. Hiroshima/Nagasaki

193. Douglas Macarthur

194. Diet

195. Role of Japanese Emperor Today

196. Two main goals of American occupation of Japan

197. 1947 Constitution

198. North Korea (Leader and type of Government)

199. South Korea (Capital City and type of Government)

200. How is the United States involved in the Korean conflict?

VIII. Latin America

201. Amazon River

202. European Countries that explored Latin America

203. “Obstacles to progress” in Latin America (page 472)

204. Benito Juarez

205. Porfirio Diaz

206. Dirty War

207. OAS

208. NAFTA

209. Pablo Escobar

210. What global issues is Latin America involved in?

PART II. CURRENT EVENTS RELATED TO HISTORY. Read the attached news article. Look up any
vocabulary words you do not know. Be prepared to answer questions on the article on the midterm exam. You
will have a copy of the article on the exam. There are no questions on this review related to the article.

PART II. ESSAY. Think about the following essay and choose your topic. The essay is to be written during
the exam period, but you may complete and use the attached graphic organizer during the exam. Use of the
graphic organizer is voluntary and does not count as part of the midterm exam review for extra credit. The
graphic organizer may only include information directly related to the historical event you chose to write about
for the essay. The graphic organizer will be checked and returned to you if it meets these requirements.
Organizers that include information not related to the essay will not be returned for use during the exam.

ESSAY: Why is it important to study different cultures?


State your thesis
Detailed description of the event/development. Include all information –
who, what, when, where, why, how.

Summarize your ideas in a solid paragraph. You may include
personal comments on why you selected this event.

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