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Middle Schoolers and their Families

Join us and help people

We need more members for our Kiva group
Invite your friends and family to this learning experience!

How to join us 1.) Ask you parents for permission rst 2.)Create an account with your family at 3.) Join our Kiva group: Middle Schoolers and their Families 4.) Raise money to loan to a person of your choice listed in Kiva. You can pick a male or female from various countries or by their specic loan needs. 5.) Make your loan and indicate that you want you loan counted towards our groups total 6.) Keep your eye on your portfolio and if your loan is paid back, you can use that money to loan somebody else. 7.) Do a little research about the country where the person you loaned to lives. 8.) Discuss with your family about others live in poverty and how people spend money for their needs.

Kiva is a organization that you can donate money to people who want to start their own business or finish school.

What is Microlending? If you are interested in joining us, please contact Julia Gray at Group link:
Micro lending is small amounts of money that is loaned through different organizations

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