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Unit 12: Dreams and reality

* Second conditional - might Phrasal verbs Social expression 2

Second conditional

If + Past Participle, would + infinitive without to Form Would = a modal auxiliary verb Would the same for all the persons Ex: If I had more money I would (d) buy a CD player What would you do if you had a year off If you had money, would you buy a car? Note If clause can come at the beginning or the end of a sentence. If it comes at the beginning, we put a comma at the middle of the sentence. If it comes at the end, we dont use comma Was Were (in the condition clause) If I were you, Id go to bed

Read about Nicola. Does this text describe her life or her dreams

Read about Nicola. Does this text describe her life or her dreams


teacher dress sweets


Grammar Notes
Present simple Past simple

past would


Put the verb in the correct form

would travel

went worked went could would do would have would feel wouldnt be gave


If I were you advice

I feel terrible! My heart hurts and I feel dizzy If I were you, Id go to bed

Work with a partner. Give the people advice about their problems 1. I have no money

2. My hairs awful
3. Ive got toothache 4. Ive had a row with boyfriend

5. My car wont start in the morning

6. My neighbours make a lot of noise

Who knows



Fill words in blanks

m having

m going to look

Want to work

are going to ll have

Fill words in blanks

might work might have

might meet

Choose the correct verb

Complete conversations with correct expressions

Excuse me! Pardon

Im sorry

Of course

I hear Thats right Oh, what a pity Never mind


Oh, dear Just a minute I havent a clue All right

Hurry up

Good luck Same to you No, of course not See you later What about you

Good idea

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