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ESL 122: English Grammar II: Tense/Stylistic and Text Analysis MWF 11:30 12:20 January 2005 Instructor:

: Sandra Ward Office: Divinity 34 Office hours: TTH 11:00 12:30 Phone number: 822-9600. ext. 2449 E-Mail: Snail mail: Faculty Box 38 Secretary: Judy Munkittrick, Div.22, ext. 2737

Text: Understanding and Using English Grammar (Third Edition) by Betty Azar Course Description: Students will focus on learning more complex aspects of English grammar and applying their knowledge to an analysis of various texts. Participation and Attendance: Students who miss more than 6 classes will lose their participation mark and risk failing the course. Students whose absence is protracted may be barred from writing the final examination. Students who know in advance that they will be absent should notify me. Marking scheme: Mid-term test - 20% Final exam _ 30% Participation - 10% Assignments (2) 40% Policy on Plagiarism: Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty in which a student knowingly submits the work of another or attempts to double-dip by submitting work that has already been graded for another course. It is illegal to copy source material, including the Internet, without citations. Penalties for plagiarism range from a zero grade for the assignment to expulsion from the University. Students who need help with citations must see me before submitting their work. Consult the Bishops Calendar (p.21) for more information. Supplemental Examinations: None.

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