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Buona Domenica
X X V I I I S U N D A Y O F O R D I N A R Y T I M E 9 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 1

Banquet Guests
The Kingdom of God is a mystery that cannot be fully explained. Today, we are asked to picture it as a great feast that God has prepared for everyone. It is no casual potluck party but a festive and lavish celebration where the best is laid out for those who are ready for it. In the parable, the King appears harsh in punishing the guests who refused to come to his feast and the man who attended without a wedding garment. In reality, God does not punish us; the fact is, actions have consequences. God and his Kingdom is inclusive of everyone but we risk excluding ourselves by our distracted lack of interest, blatant rejection at times, or halfhearted response. Instead of thinking and choosing as Jesus would, we sometimes prefer my way or no way! lukewarm, halfhearted? Or enthusiastic, humble and joyful? Do we take advantage of Gods patience and goodness? Do we ignore the graces he gives us each day, wasting our unused gifts/talents because we are too enviously looking at what others have instead? Do we dismiss or despise those who are different from us? Do we put off building our spiritual lives over building our careers? Do we say to God, Wait, Im not ready when in actual fact, we are just making excuses or making choices of convenience and self-interest? The call for change and conversion is now. Come to the feast the Father has prepared for us and be sure to wear the brand of garment worthy of Gods Kingdom. Sr. Karen Eng, FSP

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The message is clear. Be it the first invited guests (Jews of Jesus time) or guests later pulled in from the roadside (gentiles; you and I today), the time is now. We have joined the feast through our baptism. But what sort of garment are we wearing? We are a brand conscious society of our clothes and even of our food, etc. Perhaps we can ask ourselves: what brand of Christian are we? Bland,

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