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Chase And Status No More Idols The second album Ive chosen to analyze is Chase and Status, No More

e Idols. Again this album relates with my genre and one similarity I picked up on from this album and the Calvin Harris album is the colour scheme. The colours used are also yellow, black and white which reflects that dance genre through the colour connotations. The image used is again a close up, however it has no connection to my artist as the image used is context bound. The use of the dog on the album may be implying that the characteristics of an animal reflect their style of music i.e. wild, loud etc, which are also connotations of dance music. This hidden effect may be what sold the album to the consumer, for example the idea of it being unusual. Theres also that element of the consumer questioning what the album is like as theres no clear projection as its so simple. However something I could take from this is the contrasting and unusual element of using an animal which could in some ways reflect the genre. It generates the idea of something being different, unexpected and a bit crazy which is something I could consider when choosing my image. I could choose something rather contrasting and unusual and it could work well with portraying that drawing in and attention grabbing effect which encourages people to purchase the album as well as for the music. Another element Ive took interest in this album is the bold font. Overall the album as a whole is again simple which I will consider when making mine as sometimes, less is more. In some ways the image takes the main focus of the cover however I feel the bold coloured writing tones down the image and stands out just as well. The positioning of the font on the page is also something I could consider as its eye catching, bold, yet simple. I also quite like how the album name is smaller than the band name as this is something that I struggled with when making mock ups of mine. I wasnt sure whether the album name should be the same size font as the artist or whether it should be the first thing you read, etc. However either could work just as well.

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