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Physical Assessment

Upon Admission Increased in size,nodularity,tenderness,prominent vascularity, darkening of nipples and areola.Everted npples. Postpartum Enlarged, Increased nodularity, everted nipples,colostrums present, thin milk. The breast is full,and slightly tender. The location of the fundus is midline and 1cm above the umbillicus, it is firm and contracted.



Bladder Bowel Lochia Episiotomy Hemorrhage Emotional status

Frequency of contractions gradually gets closer together, in a regular pattern progressing to every 23mins. Duration gradually increases to 60-90secs. as labor progress.the intensity become stronger, uterus is firm. Empty bladder(approx. urine output 125ml). The client has not passed any stool for the last 48hrs. Bloody mucus; clear or milky fluid none none At the active phase the mother is cooperative and had increased her dependency on her family. While in the transition phase her behavior became irritable.

Empty and nonpalpabable. n/a n/a none none The mother was very weak due to exhaustion in delivering her baby. But she is still cooperative and she was relieved after delivering her baby.

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