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ummary: Jive is one of the five dances used in

International Latin dancing competitions. Jive evolved

from early swing dances like the Boogie-Woogie, Blues
Swing and the Jitterbug. During World War II
American soldiers introduced the dance to Europe,
where it became very popular with the youth. The
uninhibited and lively motions of Jive were somewhat
shocking to many of those in the established dance
community, but this disapproval was soon turned
towards the emerging rock-n-roll culture. In 1968 the
Jive was added as the fifth dance used in International
Latin competition.

Jive Basic (double)

Man's foot position

Rhythm - Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick

Jive Basic triple

Man's foot position

The footwork to Triple Swing is the same.

Rhythm - Quick a quick, quick a quick, quick, quick.

The lady's steps are the opposite, starting on her right foot.

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