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UNIT 3. MANAGING CONFLICT! Actividades: 1. Realice un plegable en el que responda a What to do in case of an earthquake?

No olvide utilizar los adverb clauses: when, while, before, after, until, as soon as, etc.

Tema 2: Uso de May/might have Actividades: 1. Redacte una historia en el que se especule sobre la Muerte de Facundo Cabral utilizando el May/might have Today july 9th, 2011 on Guatemala city about 5:20 a.m. the singer Facundo Cabral might Have been killed, may be a victim of an offence against the life of Henry Faria, who was taking the singer and his manager to the airport from the hotel where he was hosting, so he may continue with his touring concerts. The killers were moving in three vehicles and they wore guns. His last performances did it on his tour across central America, performing in Guatemala city on july 5th 2011 en el expocenter of Grand Tikal Futura Hotel, where he said good bye with this words I thanks to you; and I will thanks again on Quetzaltenango. and what will happen before that? Only God Knows Tema 3: Conditional Actividades: 1. De acuerdo con las siguientes situaciones, explique en un mapa mental la forma como usted actuara: What do you do? If you want to go out with a girl/boy? (utilice el conditional cero)

What will you do? If you get a better job? (utilice el primer condicional).

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