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Cede Nettle Paucity Hoodwink Elicit Malign Sagacity Hackneyed Estrange Explicit Vociferous Cursory
in g.k question r 1.percapita income gdp for paki 3. fiscal deficit according t0 % of gdp 4. trade balance 5. work remittances inflow in pakistan 6. service sector growth rate 7. sbp discount rate in monetary policy 8. total seats of National Assembly 9. literacy rate of 2015 10. hayat-i-jawid is written by whom 11. Eire is old name of? 12. belam i cant rembered what asked abt it 13. cool chain system indicates 14. where G-7 meeting held 15. caracas is capital of? 16. tmim phi is a city of? 17.first acting governer of gildit-b ? 18. % of teledensity in pakistan has increased to ?

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