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Rationale: Today, we find ourselves imprisoned by the medical industry. We are being controlled by the pharmaceuticals with its vendors, the hospitals and drugstores all over the world, and their doctors. This is the age of CHEMEDICINE or chemical medicine. I realize that our ascension or upliftment of consciousness and intelligence cannot happen with a big one leap, but with a few and sometimes many tiny steps forward or tiny leaps upward. This is also true in my attempt to lead my people, the Filipinos, towards the epitome of perfection. I cannot lead them by a big leap, but by two or more smaller leaps and steps, which are: ALTMEDICINE AND WORDICINE. ALTMEDICINE refers to the ongoing and even raging wave of Alternative Medicine based on Nature, or creation of our all-loving Father. This includes herbs, vegetables, flowers, fruits, seeds, even nectar, and scent and color.. or who knows perhaps sound in Nature. When my people is in this ALTMEDICINE, I hope to help lead them one step farther, one leap forward, namely: WORDICINE. WORDICINE means WORD MEDICINE. By Word I am referring, not to the New or Old Testament, but mainly to the Pure New Revelations of our Father and Lord Jesus now epublished in a number of websites foremost of them is Have we not heard the saying that by Gods Word, we are healed?
Psa 107:20

[niv]He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. [kjv]He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

So said psalmist. The Word of God is a living medicine. Much explanation can be gleaned from the letter I sent to my foreigner friend for an update of my work here in the Philippines, to wit:

October 13, 2011

Dear Franky, I have good news for you. Or I hope this is good news. The Lifestyles company ( has given us a strange favour. We are not asked to pay a capital of P60,000.00 to join their company. They registered us as members with all the privileges to give all members who put in the capital of P60,000.00! Our challenge now is to sell at least 20 bottles of Intra within 30 days. They were told we are good marketers (uhummmmm!!??) and so they gave us this kind of privilege. If we cannot sell the bottles or some of it would be left unsold after the 30 days test or challenge, then, we may quit and return the unsold products. So, there is no great risk actually. We can even not do anything about it. I mean, if we do not want to take advantage of the opportunity. And take advantage we have decided to. So, how can we sell them? And in cash! I am thinking of ways. Strategy 1: To replace their present high cost medical maintenance (traditional professional medicine) with alternative herbal/botanical medicine, in this case, the INTRA. Objective to accomplish: To lead people to the next step: from trust of medical industry back to trust in Gods creation. Next Strategy: To introduce them gradually to the free and more effective medicine : The Pure Word of God.

The Free and Most Effective Medicine

Whats that? Free and then also most effective medicine? People would be surprised and enormously interested to know if this medicine truly exist. Free and most effective. Franky, with INTRA and other similar Nature-products, I will hope to lead the people towards God as the Healer. They will still have to spend some money if they buy them from their brethren who spent the efforts and some capital to extract them from many sources and make them concentrated, hence, more powerful. The time and effort saved as well as the money saved when you buy their products instead of doing it yourself, is worth the payment you give to them for their product.

As the patient experience healing and wellness, they will begin to realize that indeed God is good. God is better. God is kind. God is wise. But something even better awaits them: free and most effective medicine which is also sustainable in its effect, even eternal! Yes, not just sustainable healing but eternal healing! -- eternal health! eternal life! What is this strange FREE, MOST EFFECTIVE, SUSTAINABLE AND ETERNAL MEDICINE? The Pure Perfect Word of God His New Revelations!

How could Gods Pure Word be a medicine?

This Word of God contains His Teachings, His Advices, His Guidance what to do and eat, what not to do and not eat, in order to avoid disease and achieve continuing health. This will put all germs, all viruses, all bacteria, all diseases, all illnesses, all ailments, at bay. They cannot enter the body. They cannot invade the body. For well-taught Child of God will know who they are even still from a distance, so they will not even have the chance of getting close to the entry points, like the mouth, the skin, the noses, the ears, the eyes, the mind, the heart, and whatever portals disease normally enter into our body. Gods Pure Word contains the lost checklist of what to eat and drink, what not to eat and drink, what to do and what not to do. The eating and drinking are in three forms: through the mouth, through the mind, through the heart. If all that enters into our mouth, mind and heart are positive, then, it means ease or health. If what enters our mouth, mind and heart is negative, then, it means disease or sickness. If the people would only come to know what not to be allowed to enter and what to allow, as well as what to do and what not, then, much advancement could be achieved in the area of healing and health. The New Revelations is replete of such list, of such information, of such advices, of such guidance. For quite a long time, the average person, including me, could not just make up HOW GODS WORD COULD BE THE BEST MEDICINE. But if you come to think that Gods Word means His advices, His dos and donts, then, surely, you will comprehend that indeed Gods Word is a medicine, as a matter of fact, the best medicine! Free and best is indeed possible and available. And only from God. Above all, from a God who is the Father of us all. It best comes from a God who is also a

Father to us all. It is best to avail of it, to ask of it and to accept it, if it comes from a Father of Love who gives it out of love. Its not nice to accept or ask for it, if, though free and best, it is not given out of Love. *** So, Franky, here is my course for myself and for my countrymen: from chemical medicine sold in the pharmacies and prescribed by doctors (very expensive) to botanical alternative medicine (less expensive when bought, free when taken from surrounding herbs) to GODS HEALING & HEALTH TIPS found in His Revealed Words (this is absolutely free, and at the same time most effective, gives sustainable and eternal healing, health and life). ***

Miracle Healing is discouraged, Healing through Repentance is encouraged

In many places in the New Revelations, such as The New Revelations of Jesus Christ, Book 25, chapters 2 & 3, we will find that MIRACLES SUCH AS MIRACLE HEALING IS NOT ENCOURAGED BY JESUS CHRIST. Though they have their own right time still, but the Lord emphasize the healing that comes through knowing the truths, e.g., the sins that causes the sickness, in repenting them, receiving forgiveness in the process, and finally in obeying, that is, in doing what makes you healed and healthy. This is a process of knowing the cause, repentance (that is, deciding not to commit it again), receiving forgiveness and finally continually doing the right things. Let me call that REPENTANCE-FORGIVENESS-OBEDIENCE HEALING. Lets have a name for it: REGIVEDIENCE HEALING. Repentance + Forgiveness + Obedience. That is, you repent of the wrong things that you eat, drink and do. Then, you receive Gods forgiveness, which includes a number of things, such as: ceasing of poison, removal of poison/disease, added protection from the causes of disease. Obedience refers to doing (also thinking, feeling) the right things, eating the right things, drinking the right things. We can also call it Thru-the-Word Healing.


The overall message of the Lord Jesus Christ in His 25-volume New Revelations is: Be sparing with Miracle Healing, and emphasize Thru-the-Word Healing. Why? The simple reason, when we come to understand the effects and benefits, is: Thruthe-Word Healing involves the whole persons initiative and participation, such as, through his mind he will come to understand the causes of sickness (sins, or violation of Gods law, commandments, will and ways); through his mind he will come also to know and understand the laws, commandments and ways of God which can cause healing of the disease and bring health. The heart is also involved here. By realizing his part in the error, the patient will come to remorse, and ask Gods mercy forgiveness. This is humility. And then, from this, the patient will leave his sins and start to obey Gods laws. So, you see, in this knowing-realizing-repenting-and-obedience process, the person learns character. A character of love, wisdom, will, order, earnest, patience, and humility.

To God, character is most important, not healing

There is a time when healing is given but the healed one will turn ungrateful, and continues his defiance to God. After the healing, he will soon go back to the world of sinful pleasure, sinful leisure. In this kind of life, he will continue to cause sickness to others and sickness to himself. So, this is bad. The bad character will prevent the person from entering Gods kingdom. A person can only enter Gods kingdom if his character is that of divine love and divine wisdom. So, it follows out that, if possible, in every healing, it comes with and will result to the CHARACTER OF LOVE FOR GOD, NEIGHBOR AND SELF -- a character of gentle love like that of a dove and wisdom like that of serpent. This character is possible if we can finally give our patient the Thru-the-Word Healing.

Thru-the-Word Healing is a kind of Self-managed Healing

When we come to understand it, Regivedience Healing or Thru-the-Word Healing is a kind of self-managed or somehow self-initiated healing because it involves much work of the patient himself. It is opposite to the universal belief which is wrong that Jesus did it all for all, that we do not have any duties and responsibilities anymore, that healing, health, salvation, eternal life is not a partnership between God and

man, but that it is solely a project of God, and man will just sit idly by, because, as the Catholic Church has made people believed, Christ did it all Christ died on the cross and paid it all Christ obeyed the laws for us and so there is nothing left for us to do!!! That is a tremendous deception by the world-girdling whore church, the unholy Roman Catholic Church. Christ died for us, yes, but we have, dear brethren, some parts to do. This is a partnership. A teamwork. Salvation is a team effort. God and Christ did not ,do not and will not do it all for us. We have our part to do, such as to obey His commandments, heed His advices, etc. God also has His own part to do, which we better leave Him do it, instead of trying to do it all, which is the other wrong extreme. Lets make it clear. God in His wisdom, has clearly made the division of labor, so to speak. He has His own part to do including dying on the cross. And we have our parts to perform. What constitute Gods part? And what constitute our part? You can fully learn them by reading His book in For the moment, let us be satisfied by saying it in this simple manner: Gods part is to love us; our part is to love Him in return above all and to love our neighbour or fellow creation as we love ourselves. Lets start with that, and then, the Father will lead us to knowing the details. Back to our healing and health topic. In this Thru-the-Word Healing system, the healing will not be done by magic. Much work will be involved in the patient work which can be classified as repentance and obedience. Gone shall be the cure and wipe-out the consequences method of todays medical industry promoted by its doctors. Our system is in the ancient way called Prevention. Soon, we shall clearly be convinced that an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Soon, we shall know that indeed the disobey and wipe out the consequences method of life is not going to work in the long-run. The only way that works is that of repentance, forgiveness and obedience. Or what we call REGIVEDIENCE. Much work indeed. But if such work is done under the motivation of love, then, it will not be heavy. And such work will not go unrewarded. We will continue in the next volume of this series.

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