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Running head: LIFE IS A LESSON

Running head: LIFE IS A LESSON

Phase 1 Individual Project Colorado Technical University Online CJUS343-1104A-01: Criminology Professor Stacy Haug Christopher B. Lane

Running head: LIFE IS A LESSON

Life is a lesson Life is a lesson, and which direction you choose can be a costly if you are a juvenile. Like to start out with a subtopic to talk about to give the reader an understanding.

What methods and techniques would be useful for juvenile rehabilitation programs? The parents should have to attend a juvenile rehabilitation program with their son, or daughter may be in there for a crime that was committed. Life not only comes with rewards, praises, and triumphs, but then, there is peer pressure, the teenagers ability to be able to accept their self, before someone else can accept (Rehabilitations, 2010). We need to teach our kids the action and reaction methodology of understanding. Where there is action; there will be a reaction; you might be asking yourself. What do you mean? If the teenager is out here committing crimes, should not be let go with a slap on the wrist, and say, do not do that again. They will never learn from that; when you know the child has learned from their mishap. The child may ask, mom and dad, can me and Jane Doe go somewhere? This is where the parents comes in and tells their child. No way, do you remember what you did to get in trouble, a while back. Kindly remind the child why they are being punished, in order to keep the thought in the childs mind, and then they can think for themselves. This is an appropriate method to help the child to accept responsibility for their actions, in other words, it is called integrity. Tonys family should play an intricate role in their childs juvenile rehabilitation program. The reason for this, the child may be going through some difficulty, with intervention playing a role in this situation. The parents, can then, be able to fully understand on what their child is going through, and in return, this will help the parents to be able to help the child (Lipsey, M., W., Wilson, D., B., Cothern, L., 2000). The more involved we are with our children, the better, the child turns out,

Running head: LIFE IS A LESSON

but this not go without saying, this is not always the case, but for the most part, it seems to be really effective. In addition, the parents need that bond with their child; in order for their child to be able to come to you, when there is a problem. The child is turn in several different directions, they need that intervention. They need that special person they can turn too. The repercussions of Tony living at home would not serve a purpose. Tony needs time to think about what he/she has done, if Tony is left in the household. How is Tony going to learn? A lot of times, a child needs that separation to be able to go back in their minds, and think about everything. A culture shock is usually a remedy that can help a juvenile offender to be able to analyze their situation, in order to better understand why they are in a juvenile rehabilitation program. The juvenile needs something to shock. That could very well be, anything from an authority figure showing some assertiveness towards juvenile. Some ways could be, just like they do in the military, they have instructors that use such a tone, which will get the juveniles attention and make the juvenile to understand the environment they are in, is not the place to be, and then, that can ultimately help the juvenile to think twice about committing crimes. The juvenile needs to learn from their mistakes, and not repeat the offense. On the other hand, if Tony, will be ordered to live somewhere else, then Tony can see what it is like outside the home, and then, Tony can understand what Tony has done wrong. It is obvious, Tony has a problem with drinking, and perhaps, Tony has problem with drugs. Rehabilitation can ultimately turn this child around, before it is too late. Drugs and Alcohol is a one way ticket to a tragedy if the appropriate steps are not put in place. Programs for chronic alcoholics will meet and discuss their, in what they call their 12 steps to breaking the habit. In the library of Congress, is where this book was found. The first step helps the person(s) to fully understand that it is okay to accept failure, and it does not make you a bad person either (Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, 2011, pp. 1-125).

Running head: LIFE IS A LESSON

Each of these 12 steps plays a vital role in the person breaking the habit of alcohol. In the situation concerning narcotics anonymous; an actual experience would like to share. My mother and step father were alcoholics. One day, and after, coming to a conscious decision to join ALTeen; realizing there was nothing that one person can do a lone. To see this on a first hand basis was terrifying enough. Teenager struggling in high school, because of the disease that plagues their family, which is alcohol; these types of support groups helps the person to cope with this disease. There are support groups for any condition; it is up to the individual, who wants to get involved in each support group. The support groups give an individual a different perspective about their situation. It helps to come up with some coping techniques. The same goes for people suffering from narcotics. These two habits, drinking and using drugs can damage a life. It is how you learn how to say no, to these two habits will ultimately decide how you live your life. Life is not all about, how many times you can frown; it is about how many times you can smile, and be happy, in everything that one person can do. No matter what your situation in life is. Live it to the fullest, because tomorrow is never promised.

Social Learning Theory The social learning theory written by: Albert Bandura has to be one of the most talked about learning theories of all time. Albert Bandura believed in direct reinforcement could not account for the different types of learning (Cherry, N/A). Albert Bandura came up with three basic models of observational learning: 1. The live model, this is where the person will act out their behavior, or they might even be a demonstration (Cherry, N/A). 2. The verbal instructional model, this is where a person might with some kind of description, and/or an explanation to their

Running head: LIFE IS A LESSON

behavior, and lastly. 3. The symbolic model, this is where the person who is suffering with these types of unusual behavior, which could resort back to television, fictional characters, books, and/or the online media (Cherry, N/A).

In closing, a person(s) life is more valuable than they realize. Living each day to the fullest extent and doing what God would want you to do. Teenagers have a tough life, because they want to be happy, and some, may, or may not know how to be happy. It is all about a life learning lesson for each teenager. Life is a lesson in itself. It depends on how you live it; is what you get out of it. If you choose a wrong path, and it could be your path to destruction of your life, but if you choose a path that is meaningful, and it is filled with joy, peace, and happiness, then, and only then, will you seek the happiness that one person deserves.

Running head: LIFE IS A LESSON

References Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. (2011). 12 steps and 12 traditions. 48. 1-125, Alcohol, retrieved from: October 9, 2011 Cherry, K. (N/A). Social Learning Theory. Psychology, retrieved from: October 9, 2011 Lipsey, M., W., Wilson, D., B., Cothern, L. (2000). Effective Intervention for Serious Juvenile Offenders. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Programs, retrieved from: October 9, 2011 Rehabilitations. (2010). Juvenile Rehabilitation., retrieved from: October 9, 2011

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