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Declaration of variables

In the simple program above there is no need to declare variables,

although as your knowledge of the language increases you will see
there is a need for this in most circumstances. If a value has not been
assigned to a variable it is assumed that it contains its default value, a
0 if it is numeric or null if it is a string. You should spend time thinking
about your variables and ensure that you choose an identifier, or
name, that reflects the use to which the variable will be put.

eg. dayofweek or weeklypay

A more complicated example

The final program in this section introduces a more advanced feature,

the use of subroutines. Again, enter the program and run it to see what

PRINT"I will summon the butler procedure."


PRINT"Yes, bring up some tea and floppy discs..."


SUB summonbutler

PRINT"you rang sir?"


This is a somewhat trivial program, but it introduces another feature of

QuickBASIC, the SUBROUTINE. A subroutine is simply a little program
within the main program that performs some function. In this case the
subroutine simply prints

You rang sir?

on the screen. Subroutines can be as complex as the main section of the program and can
contain there own declarations and even their own subroutines. The main use of
subroutines is to break down a program into smaller more manageable sections. They are
particularly useful when you wish to perform the same function more than once as they
can save a lot of typing. Subroutines and their uses will be described in more detail later.

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